4 teeth now for young Fang. Yup we have somehow managed to go from 0 to 4 teeth in 5 weeks. Ditto zero crawling capability to thundering along and kneeling in the bath in a fortnight! Oy Vey! Sleep training/night weaning has recommenced, with me sleeping in the spare room on the single mattress with C when he wakes and squeaks for 'snackin's'. He now mournfully accepts the improbability of snackin's and after wailing and moaning for a bit goes back to sleep... in my arms.. on the mattress. Last night he would have slept through were it not for the Wailing Bansidhe aka PITA K who woke the baby up. Sigh. Once the nightly snackin free routine has been accepted we will work on the sleep in the cot not in mums bed routine :) and that may be a harder nut to crack in winter haha. I packed up the sleeping nest last night which devasted K, who l.iked to wander in at FIVE AM for cuddles, waking Cameron and myself. Where is that darn Groclock?! On Friday we rode the train to Henderson to go to the Police Station and catch up with Kym, Alex and Bella. The sun was shining, the boys were happy and life was good. Weekend was full on haha with lots of minuting for me to do this week - but we picked up the cheap 2nd hand single Graco stroller which is awesome! This week is kindy and plunket coffeegroup, a craft morning and we have a meeting with a mortgage broker on tuesday. I must also finish the birthday present I am making for mum - but fear it will arrive well after her birthday!!
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