Hells Bells where did the time go.... and how did that tiny cuddly snuggly baby who slept like an angel turn into the boisterous, crawling, stair climbing, 5 fanged little darling who... doesn't sleep quite so well. We had a happy morning opening his present at home and then heading to Playcentre where hectic playing ensued. It was Bike Day so K was in alt. We chilled out at home afterwards eating lunch and then all 3 had a nap. After we awoke Kieran helped me make Cameron's birthday cake - and cupcakes. He is such a good helper! While operating the food processor is right at the top of his fun to do list the beater is a not too shabby second. We squeezed lemons, and mandarins, and a lime... can you guess I ran out of lemons for my lemon syrup cake? Both boys had a cupcake after dinner and then C and I snuggled down and slept the night away. I guarantee the next birthday will be quite different :) I am betting there will be more running, more presents and more talking!
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