We are still working on the nightly wakings yearning for snackin's but last night was..... interesting. Cameron has accepted that the milk bar shuts at 9 and reopens when there's enough light to make out his face... however, he has decided he loves to sleep snuggled up with his mum under a duvet. I am seriously considering setting him up on the mattress tonight and seeing what happens haha. In other Cameron related news (my GOD, he is nearly ONE, WHERE did the year go!) he said Bandit clearly the other day, as he motored after the poor beleaguered pussum. He is also crawling at top speed, hoofs it up the (17) stairs like a rat up a drainpipe and stands leaning on things - then screams like a stuck pig cos he hasn't figured out how to stop standing. That child! Kieran is loving Kindy and I have asked for his hours to be extended to a 9-2:30 session 3x a week. This is due to the fact he nearly cried the last few days when I said we couldn't stay... hehehe. On the weekend we went to MOTAT as it is free to Waitakere residents in May... also the reason we are going there for Cameron's birthday. K loved it, loved it loved it.... and made a little book at the book binding workshop. We viewed lots of vehicles, looked at model trains, and rode on a steam engine - the highlight of the morning for K. It was pouring down too, but we had a blast. C really enjoyed it too. Tonight K helped me make pastry in the food processor, then made the pumpkin pie mix. The result was super tasty and he devoured it happily. I took on a mystery shopper gig which meant I had to order Domino's pizza, eat it, and rate their service... Chris was very keen to do this assignment, let me tell you :)
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