Cameron and Kieran are now playing together. Our bouncy 10 month old can almost hold his own against the big K. We had our Plunket appointment and both boys are doing fantastically. Cam bounces around on his bottom - interspersed with splits a prima ballerina would be proud to own - to get to toys, his favourite of which are balls, cars, and Kieran. He loves to beat his brother like a drum haha. The breastfeeding is starting to slow down - but not at night sigh. He has a cold at the moment, but once he is healthy again we will begin some sleep training... although, upon reflection, maybe after he's christened might be more sensible... we'll see anyway. He is happy and merry and full of smiles. He loves to play ball rolling games, peek a boo and row row row your boat. Mainly he loves having his mum and brother play with him while he makes his little noises :)
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