Alas, I must report that both boys have a fervour for hot cross buns equalled only by my own...and this means that one of my favourite treats is (literally) torn from my hands if the boys feel snackerish. In other news Chris has seized upon the park and ride option for the train with cries of joy as this means he can slack around the house longer in the mornings.... and I then get to walk up the hill and play the game of "find where Chris parked the car". A good game and one that entertains K mightily. Alas and woe, for today he raced off..... with the stroller in the boot. K and I walked to the shops, C resting happily in my arms. Since it was a lovely warm blue day we headed to Parrs Park where we found some sport event on. K was very interested in the soccer but more so in the playground. However, as he dashed joyously across the grass his wee bare feet collected 2 prickles - poor little boy! We left at 11:30 a little late to get k home for lunch/sleep but he was down by 12:10. And I have formed a new resolve.........
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