Who, you might ask, is learning.... why Cameron of course! He is a tiger when it comes to learning and playing games, is trying to chat away to me and has begun to reverse his backwards crawling. We had forwards crawling today as he lunged for a biscuit his brother had dropped. Alas, his brother was faster. We headed into Auckland Uni on Tuesday. It was exciting as we awoke late, discovered no breakfast prepared by Pappa Bear and wound up sprinting through our breakfast/dressed routine in 30 minutes. We bolted out the house at 8:30am, dashed up the hill, dashed back down the hill as I realised Kieran's lunch was in the fridge, bolted back up again and staggered into Kindy at 8:34... not bad for a walk! Kieran walked the whole way there which was very impressive. I then peeled K off (he showed a marked reluctance for me to leave) and bolted back up the road to catch a train into town...and got there with scads of time to spare. C had a blast as we trained in, cooing and flirting with other passengers. Shameless that child is! When we got to Britomart I gazed at my humongous stroller and the buses going past jammed with students..... I walked ALL the way to Auckland Uni up the HUGE hill. I was pretty puffed! I really must think about a single stroller.... We arrived at the Psych session and Cameron was fantastic.... more flirting and smiling. They were a little worried as I turned up with a sleeping baby. His eyes fluttered open and they worried "will he be grumpy?" Ah, HELL no! And cue the flirting etc etc. We finished the session, and C chose a toy and we trotted over to collect Chris and we tootled off to Kindy to collect K and then off to Kiwibank.... where we are considering changing banks. The boys were so good while we were at the appointment I was so proud! Alas, it was but a brief moment, but hey :)
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