Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Tall Tree Tales...
We were alerted to the fact the the house owners had decided the trees needed to be trimmed. An odd sort of time to arrange it - winter would surely be better for the trees -but there you go. In due course I was called by the loppers and an appointment was made, and broken. Another appointment was made... and broken, and finally a third appointment was made for Tuesday. I found myself sceptical that the Useless Loppers would be there at 2:30 on Tuesday. Well, they turned up.....but substantially later than 3 and did not do as much as I suspect the house owner wanted. Haha, that will be their problem. Chris and I have been making the final push to be debt free and should be debt free - bar student loans - come May. Yay for us!! We have been getting our fruit and veges from Foodbox.co.nz and the budget meat pack from Clarks organic butchery. This pack gives us 9 days of meat - and we have vege meals for the other 5 days. It works really well. The meat is incredible - nothing has disappointed and we are eating less meat as it tastes so much nicer than the cheap meat we bought before. Using these 2 options has dropped our total grocery spend quite substantially as it severely limits impulse buys. K is still loving Kindy and we have just had another morning added. This is great as we will now have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings for Kindy, and Mondays and Fridays for Playcentre. And as the weather starts to chill down and rain up Playcentre will be more important than it is at the moment :)
Monday, 28 March 2011
Can he learn it? Yes, he can!!
Who, you might ask, is learning.... why Cameron of course! He is a tiger when it comes to learning and playing games, is trying to chat away to me and has begun to reverse his backwards crawling. We had forwards crawling today as he lunged for a biscuit his brother had dropped. Alas, his brother was faster. We headed into Auckland Uni on Tuesday. It was exciting as we awoke late, discovered no breakfast prepared by Pappa Bear and wound up sprinting through our breakfast/dressed routine in 30 minutes. We bolted out the house at 8:30am, dashed up the hill, dashed back down the hill as I realised Kieran's lunch was in the fridge, bolted back up again and staggered into Kindy at 8:34... not bad for a walk! Kieran walked the whole way there which was very impressive. I then peeled K off (he showed a marked reluctance for me to leave) and bolted back up the road to catch a train into town...and got there with scads of time to spare. C had a blast as we trained in, cooing and flirting with other passengers. Shameless that child is! When we got to Britomart I gazed at my humongous stroller and the buses going past jammed with students..... I walked ALL the way to Auckland Uni up the HUGE hill. I was pretty puffed! I really must think about a single stroller.... We arrived at the Psych session and Cameron was fantastic.... more flirting and smiling. They were a little worried as I turned up with a sleeping baby. His eyes fluttered open and they worried "will he be grumpy?" Ah, HELL no! And cue the flirting etc etc. We finished the session, and C chose a toy and we trotted over to collect Chris and we tootled off to Kindy to collect K and then off to Kiwibank.... where we are considering changing banks. The boys were so good while we were at the appointment I was so proud! Alas, it was but a brief moment, but hey :)
Sunday, 27 March 2011
The day dawned cool and damp... and all too soon. The pitter patter of toddler paws, driven nearly insane by the unopened trampoline, awoke us. Sigh. Chris ate a sumptuous breakfast before prying a wee man off the trampoline box where he was trying to pry it open and the process of erecting Leviathan began.... There was much bustling as the box was opened and the many, many, many parts were levered out of the humongous box. Poles were carried to the lounge and stacked up high, where Cameron squeaked with joy and poked through the stack. K thrilled as the frame was assembled and swung upon, the poles and net installed and finally, a mere 2.5 hours later.... the trampoline was up!!! K swarmed upon it and jumped and bounced and laughed and shrieked.... he had a blast!!!! I must add that Chris decided that we needed the beast of trampolines - why, it only takes up a mere half the garden :) However K bounced and bounced and bounced and announced that he was going to have his nap on the trampoline.... when this was vetoed he said he would sleep in the trampoline box. 1 parent was inclined to grant his wish - but I was denied!!! We have big plans for the box too. The top half will be a rocket ship and K and I will paint and decorate it with a space theme. The bottom half will be a pirate ship - and will be decorated appropriately. Yay to know we have rainy day activities sorted haha :)
Friday, 25 March 2011
Tumbling Tots
Alack and a day... Friday was pretty low key as Cameron was somewhat under the weather. I had been planning to visit Lopdell House and the Tickle Your Senses exhibition. It is aimed at children and is Dr Seuss like, engaging all 5 senses.....but since Cameron was a poorly wee bear I cancelled on Suzie, and also Playcentre. Instead we three rearranged the boys room. It now has their beds, a bookshelf, some toys and their chest of drawers.... the spare room? Well, it looks like the municipal dump :) That's next weekend's job. I also made some hot cross buns - I find the dried cherries mix is fantastic and mopped the floor. Amazingly K slept for nearly 2 hours which ensured that an event rarer than unicorns occurred - both boys asleep at the same time. Once the widgets awoke at 4 and were tumbling around on the floor I decided to do chicken 2 ways for dinner. I did the nibbles first in my patented make-it-up-as-you-go-along sauce and tossed them in with my 5 grain bread (made for Chris, he likes nubbly bread). I cut the chicken breast into fingers, tossed them into the beaten egg and realised.... we were out of breadcrumbs. Birdbrain here forgot about the sack of flour in the cupboard and panicked. I wound up making a crumb coating that had Chris dashing upstairs to commend me on the coconutty/peanutty awesomeness of the crust :) Not bad for pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, chia, nuts, nutrigrain, sundry seeds and seasoning. Actually, it was really tasty! Chris's birthday is looming and we have been having discussions re a present..... and all that was thrown out of the window when Chris proposed giving up presents so the boys could have a trampoline.... they were on special at KMart :) Naturally we awoke this morning to rain. Chris scurried out to procure said tramp and his son literally screamed with excitement when the door open to show a trailer outside the door, with a big as box in it. Man, it was hard work getting 100kg of trampoline off the trailer and into the house. Our pyjama clad dervish pleaded to be allowed outside to watch and was told to stay inside as he would get his pj feet wet.... so who did we see scurrying out of the house wearing his mother's sheepskin slippers.... bless him :) Much crawling around the box ensued, as did driving boats and cars along the top. Even the cat got in on the act. However, we did make it to Lopdell House for the exhibition which Kieran really enjoyed! Cameron was enthralled by on of the art structures too, so the trip was a win:win. As inclement weather is predicted for the next few days Tuesday's blog entry will cover the trip to Auckland University and the Raising of the Tramp.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Wallet Woes
I had a sad moment yesterday morning. I walked up to coffeegroup and decided to stop in at the Organics shop. After many requests on my part they have Irish Oatmeal - YUM! Only place in Auckland I could find that sells it too. So I stopped in there, picked up the oats and some 4 grain flour and headed down the road. It was after I crossed the road that I realised my wallet was missing. I pivoted and waited for the crossing to sound. Moments before it did a car rocketed up onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing the stroller that was shielded by the traffic light pole, and skidded back onto the road and across 2 lanes of traffic. I briskly trotted back to the organics shop peering along the road/path as I went to no avail. My wallet had landed on the ground and been collected up by some no good thief. I went back later and asked all the local businesses if a wallet had been handed in. It had not, and the local constable had no news of it either. BUGGER.
So, I had to cancel all my cards and ordered Chris to hand over all his cash and eftpos card. Rising with the dawn.... or at least it felt that way I drove ILLEGALLY to kindy to drop K off this morning then parked by the library and hopped on a train with my little man. He loved his trip going solo with his mum. We arrived to find the AA had moved so bought some bandaids and peanut butter, a new wallet - heavy on the eyesore factor and discounted from $30 to $10..... can't think why!- and headed into the AA. I am now the proud possessor of a temporary license and $40 poorer for my trouble. Sigh. I was going to spend the morning minuting. I have instead spent in in cars, trains and shops... and then a shower and getting C snacked and snoozed. Woe is me!
Friday, 18 March 2011
Things that make you go Awwwwww
Cameron and Kieran are now playing together. Our bouncy 10 month old can almost hold his own against the big K. We had our Plunket appointment and both boys are doing fantastically. Cam bounces around on his bottom - interspersed with splits a prima ballerina would be proud to own - to get to toys, his favourite of which are balls, cars, and Kieran. He loves to beat his brother like a drum haha. The breastfeeding is starting to slow down - but not at night sigh. He has a cold at the moment, but once he is healthy again we will begin some sleep training... although, upon reflection, maybe after he's christened might be more sensible... we'll see anyway. He is happy and merry and full of smiles. He loves to play ball rolling games, peek a boo and row row row your boat. Mainly he loves having his mum and brother play with him while he makes his little noises :)
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
K has had his kindy afternoons changed to kindy mornings - booya!! Tomorrow is the first morning for this and coincides with a paint session I am doing at Playcentre. It also coincides with C teething and coming down ill. Sigh. The paint workshop may have to be scrapped. I had a cunning plan where I would park the car at playcentre and walk with the stroller to kindy then back to Playcentre thus allowing C to slumber gently in the stroller. However Chris will be parking the car by the train station (no car outside the door for me!!) so this may happen, or more likely we'll bolt up the hill to the shops, find the car and K will be driven to Kindy and I will then have to decide on the paint workshop depending on how little mr C is doing..... decisions, decisions....
Well, I have a miserable wee man who is much less miserable than yesterday. The second tooth has broached the surface like a miniature white whale and the fever, runny nose and nasty nappies have gone....for the moment!
An exciting St Patrick's day - K's first morning session of kindy.... he loved it! And he made a bread roll which he ate, warm and buttered, for his lunch....mmmmmm. I made hot cross buns too, with dried cherries, currants and apricots. Needs work, but not too bad :)
Headed over to see Emma this morning. Had a pig of a morning trying to get the house vacuumed etc so I could leave the house to be inspected and trudge up the hill in the heat and find the car at the shops - sadly too many issues to enumerate. Chris was a champ and had parked the car in the exact parking space I had specified - good man! Kieran was very excited and had a lovely time at Emma's- as well as a nappy blowout - oh, the smell! C had a lovely time too, and gave Sofia a little cuddle. Got home at 2, and both boys are snoozing away. I was going to take Bandit to the vets at 3 but that can happen tomorrow.... can't decide whether to take K to dance class or soccer tomorrow.... I think Chris can decide that one :)
It was soccer - but weather dependent!
Monday, 14 March 2011
And a hot cross bun
Alas, I must report that both boys have a fervour for hot cross buns equalled only by my own...and this means that one of my favourite treats is (literally) torn from my hands if the boys feel snackerish. In other news Chris has seized upon the park and ride option for the train with cries of joy as this means he can slack around the house longer in the mornings.... and I then get to walk up the hill and play the game of "find where Chris parked the car". A good game and one that entertains K mightily. Alas and woe, for today he raced off..... with the stroller in the boot. K and I walked to the shops, C resting happily in my arms. Since it was a lovely warm blue day we headed to Parrs Park where we found some sport event on. K was very interested in the soccer but more so in the playground. However, as he dashed joyously across the grass his wee bare feet collected 2 prickles - poor little boy! We left at 11:30 a little late to get k home for lunch/sleep but he was down by 12:10. And I have formed a new resolve.........
Sunday, 6 March 2011
International Children's Day
Today for a lark we decided to take K to the Stardome as they were running some shows for preschool children. OMG. He LOVED it. He ran here and there and all around but his favourite bit - preshow - was pressing the buttons on the planet to shift it from Jupiter to Earth etc. He has pleaded with us on a daily basis to revisit the stardome haha. K also decided that Bandit deserved a present and hustled his father into a pet store so that he could buy Bandit a rat. It has been many a moon since Bandit received a new rat and he was thrilled. The house was filled with the unmistakable kerthump of a stuffed rat bouncing off the walls and the pitter patter of Siamese paws.
After a brief spurt of rain I decided that the boys need to be in the same room. I dragged most of Chris's stuff out of the LARGE computer room, and installed Kieran's toddler bed. It has been a week and once the desk is moved out and the cot is moved in we should be golden. Of course, K is now asking for a Big Boy Bed. Sigh..... now the hunt for a nice single bed and the saving for that purchase will commence.
The weeks seem to race on by filled with playcentre and kindy and coffeegroups. We managed to make it to Emma's the other day where the boys did their best to impress - and succeeded. We had a lovely afternoon at Cornwallis beach on Saturday. We had planned to go in the morning but our plans were deferred due to the Tsunami. It was a glorious sunny day, the sea was like warm bathwater and C got to have a sit in the ocean. K leaped, dug and cavorted and wept when we left the beach. I also made some pink and green egg pasta from some spinach and beetroot languishing in the fridge. It was really really nice! I topped it with Nigel Slater's pasta sauce. I bodged up a delicious pork pie for dinner tonight and did a rhubarb and raspberry pie too. Our foodbox arrived and K and C were in transports of delight. K danced for joy as each piece of fruit or vegetable was withdrawn and named. C shuffled about the box sticking his hands through the holes. Sadly I have the playcentre meeting tomorrow which means a late night. We have had a nightmarish couple of nights due to C cutting his second tooth. Not content with destroying our nights he has developed teething poos - something K never did.... and god, they're awful! C will be christened on Easter sunday at the ripe age of 11 months. Go Cameron! He is a real sweetie who is really trying to talk - already!!! I have been reading Playful Parenting and trying to apply it it my boys. My main wish is that we owned a trampoline - to burn off some of K's excess energy.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Morning Madness
It's official - K loves kindy and kindy loves Kieran! He has settled in like a champ and scurries off after I sign him in and drop off his lunch and bag. He always has a great time and trots along to the car chattering away. His language skills are coming along great - he's a lovely little conversationalist. We are still struggling to get him down so he has that nap before kindy as I have to sign him in by 1:29. To my shame we have signed in at 1:27, 1:29, and 1:28 for the last 3 sessions. Not bad when you consider the poor child woke at 1:15 and was hustled out of the house and clipped into the carseat along with his mother, who then gave Glen Eden a taste of Rally NZ as I hurtled off to kindy. The weather has slowly begun to cool and I look forward to being able to walk to Kindy. Hopefully he gets into morning sessions soon so this can happen. Aaaah morning sessions - yearn, yearn. Sadly, this will probably only happen in April.
In other "news" the census was cancelled due to the Christchurch earthquake - understandably. BUT we get paid the full amount - tres exciting!!! This means we can pay for Bandits rabies shots/blood test AND Chris's root canal. And the removal of 2 more molars from our ever increasingly toothless cat. Took the boys to Ceramco park the other morning (before Kindy) and K had a blast - ditto C. Today they have a space activity planned for the afternoon so naturally they are tucked in bed, snoring their heads off. I blame the cooler weather and the perversity of infants. Tomorrow we have stroller walking in the morning and Kindy in the afternoon. On friday we are canning playcentre - though I must drop by to get my camera - and going to Emma's. Emma has a trampoline. K has definite opinions about blue trampolines and puppies... namely that he wants one of each - oy! This weekend we have Liam's 1st birthday party on saturday and on Sunday - K's first trip to the Stardome. His passion for space is unequalled in the land and poor Chris's Spacecam book has taken a hammering..... so I picked up a few books on space at the library today.... he loves the photos :)
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