A pox on the warm weather which seems to have bred mozzies the size of blackbirds. We have been unable to spend much time outside at all despite the oppressively warm days. Once outside one can almost hear the glad cries from the assorted insects and a black cloud seems to blot out the sun... still, at least the pool is up. K closely supervised this process telling his father to hurry up and then, once construction was complete hopping into said pool and commenting "clever boy, daddy!" Glad he approves :) I dragged Cam in and stood him in the water. He instantly mimicked a one legged water bird and peered suspiciously down into the "depths" of the pool. Such trusting infants. K meanwhile floated about the pool in his inflatable boat, blasting the birds from the trees as he "played" his trumpet. Happy as a clam he was! We have been experimenting with ice cream recipes, sundry other food related activities - including cheesemaking - and Chris even made mayonnaise last night for our picnic in the garden. All 3 boys were feasted on but I got off lightly - phew!!! Today we headed off to Craigavon park and playground and K was as a merry as a grig :) Once home Chris steeled himself to pull all the nappies from the bin outside and place them in a rubbish bag. It was pretty horrific. Two and a half weeks worth of nappies with lots of warm weather does not a happy Christopher make! His comments throughout were rather.... sulphurous! And alas his afternoon was further "enlightened" by K deciding to be sunsmart with Chris's pillows (toasting in the sun), a picnic blanket, his face and half a bottle of sunblock. I heard Chris's howls as he laid eyes upon the scene....... and his fervent pleas to be allowed to return to work :P Tomorrow is the plunket coffeegroup and Chris is dashing off to a boys arvo after that. On friday it will be K and C's first trip to the museum.... I am looking forward to it :)
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