I can't believe my tiny baby has turned into such a hefty porker!!! 9kg's! C happily babbles, claps his hands, bangs his toys.... and desperately tries to crawl. The promised tooth is STILL not in evidence but eating is going like gangbusters. Last night he savaged an end of sweetcorn to within an inch of its life. Alas his sleep is appalling... then again, so is ours at the moment due to the horrid sticky weather - 100% humidity!! However last night the poor baggage didn't go to sleep(and stay asleep) until 10pm!! He only awoke once at 2am for a quck snack then slept until 6:40am.... which is when his older brother scuttled silently into the bedroom clutching birthday cars to his chest and snuggled up with me. I left my car on yesterday - boo - so no driving anywhere for me. Will walk up to ceramco park this morning and stop in at the library on the way back. Jen is visiting later this afternoon too. Then Chris will bring trickle charger home and liven the battery. Tomorrow is payday! Wooohooo! At the moment C is ferociously mopping the floor with his bib. I have been so thrilled by the Bumbo - it has worked so well for us!! We also seem to have acquired a new pet - Boldaz. He is a small bird, decked in hues of chocolate and happily struts into the house to partake of meals. Bandit heartily despises Boldaz Brass and does his best to remove him from this existence.
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