Periodically I go on this mad binge where I (shock!!horror!!) clean out the freezer, inventory its contents and attempt to use our frozen food in our planned meals. Oh yes, everything is planned in our house. I make up the fortnight's meal plan that rolls from one payday to the next and this feeds into the shopping list. Just call me little miss spontaneity :P. Anyway gazing into the maw of the freezer I realised 2 things. 1- I obviously believe that a pie a day is necessary to life to judge by all the frozen pie dough and 2 - we don't have nearly enough ice cream in there. There is zero ice cream in my freezer and after 2 days of mortgage/job news and the root canal Chris will have to have (say hellooo to $1400 winging its way out of our bank account) I could have used ice cream. To be perfectly honest I would probably do better with a gym membership - but that aint happening. What else. K is really digging the whole sit on the toilet and get treats thing. No results as yet, tho he did defecate outside. I let his father deal with that, man to man :) See, this is why I wanted boys :P. I have been mulling over the menu for K's party. I will make biscuits tomorrow and might knock out the cake tomorrow night which gives me all day friday to decorate it. My only other option is to bake cake friday and decorate laaaaaate that night... I think not!! I still don't know what cake I want for my birthday and am rather disinclined to make one myself. Chris will be preparing the birthday dinner...but would he cope with a cake related task as well? In other news the people selling the House of our Dreams offered to rent it to us for 300 a week for 6 months or so to see if we liked the property with a view to purchasing it if we do/job sitaution improves. We were actually really excited by this but the cost of transferring phone and hiring a truck would be too expensive and the move would cost us money. In fact, we'd just come right and then Chris's contract would end.... and who knows what would happen then. Suppose we could get a tenant... but, no. Some more birthday cards came for Kieran today - Great Grandma Marjorie (and Ken, of course) and Lesley & Ian.
And that's all for now :)
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