Ruth was coming around Saturday so I set to in the laundry and kitchen. Boys were fed, played with and then laundry and dishes were washed. C fell asleep so I really got moving :) I strained the marscapone and made the pastry for the quiche - yummy roasted garlic and caramelised onion pastry. Then I threw the mascarpone whey, an egg and some cheese and bacon into the pastry shell and voila - perfection! C awoke and the boys played in the tent I had dragged inside, and popped a mink blanket inside. Ruth arrived at lunchtime, just after my pie/quiche came out of the oven - perfect timing. K had a ball playing with Finn once he woke up from his nap. C didn't nap at all - too exciting! After Ruth left I took the boys up to the library in the stroller and they enjoyed themselves. C fell asleep 2 minutes into the walk - booya!! The wild wet weather predicted failed to materialise and it was warm and blustery. As Chris still wasn't home I got the corn bread, roast chicken and steamed pudding on, entertained the boys and fed them dinner before a quick bath and bed. K went down like a dream, C like a nightmare. It was 9:40 before he finally went down for night (night? ha! as if!!) and I collapsed into bed at the same time. C doesn't know it but sleep training will be starting in a couple of days! Gradual withdrawal method I think! Apparently Chris arrived home around 11ish having left the house at 6:15am..... Hmmm! Anyway this morning he made a real effort not to refer to his water inflamed sinuses or the creaking muscles from 6 hours of caving - good thing too!! We headed out to Pukekohe to get a feel for the town and to walk through the open home....of the Dream House. Well, obviously if we won lotto it wouldn't be our dream house but for a potential first house it's pretty dreamy. I like Puke, it's got a really nice feel to it, even if it could be called the city of roundabouts lol. We had a look at the other (much cheaper) houses we'd shortlisted. Boy, 2 minutes drive made a huge diff in terms of neighbourhood appeal!! So those houses got crossed off the list. We hope that Chris can get a job in Akl and that the Puke house dream will rise again, phoenixlike.... but we'll just have to wait and see. This evening I looked around the disaster of my lounge and pondered on the thought that Chris being home sure does generate mess! Alone with the boys yesterday I cooked, cleaned, played and tidied and before the boys were in bed the house looked ok. Tonight... oy vey!! I think I must just slack off, and then everything goes downhill fast! Chris cooked a fab risotto for dinner tonight - yum! Chris is being landed with the boys tomorrow as I urgently need to type 2 sets of minutes and work on a database! Oh, yay!! And... that's our long weekend!
Friday, 28 January 2011
The Long Weekend...
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Big Boy
Monday, 24 January 2011
A time to tan, a time to welter
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
8 months old today
Monday, 17 January 2011
Beach Ahoy!
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Happy Birthday to me!!
Friday, 14 January 2011
Party time!!
The day of Kieran's party dawned bright and sunny with a happy little boy racing into the bedroom for snuggles.... early, very early! It was a gorgeous bright sunny day- all the better for us to sweat. We got to the playcentre at 9:15 and got things set up. People arrived, children played and before we knew it 10:30 arrived and with it snacks and cake. K blew out his candles brilliantly - all 3 were snuffed out in their prime. We then chilled and chatted and by the time we cleaned, vacuumed, stacked, replaced sandpit covers etc it was fairly late. We dropped off the keys and then realised that we had forgotten the dishwashing liquid and the rubbish bag! Doh! Luckily the cleaning day is tomorrow so I let the Playcentre Prez know I would be popping in briefly to collect our tat. It was 2pm by the time we staggered into the house - and boy, I was tired. K wasn't. He was so in alt with all his toys that he couldn't sleep. Once C was up we headed out Helensville way for some strawberry ice cream and strawberries. Once home K leapt about in the baby bath on the lawn then played with EVERY SINGLE ONE of his presents :) He finally succumbed to sleep at 9!! Tomorrow - my birthday!!! We also have to stop in at playcentre - might take K along for a walk... or maybe not. We'll see. And also return a peapod - size medium, not large. And then over to visit Rache, who has car trouble. I empathise, how I empathise!!
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Time of tides
Well, the best laid plans.... K decided to sleep for just over 2 hours while C decided sleep wasn't an option if he wasn't in my arms. This kind of sucked as I needed to do some SMINZI stuff... guess what I am doing tonight. Once K was up, weeping but awake, we cavorted in the garden. He got given a hippo squirter for xmas and is lethal with it. It has been the cause of 3 time outs in the last 2 days.... shooting water inside the house/at his sibling or parent is just TOO tempting. We emptied the pool as the water was a touch on the manky side and proto mosquito's were dashing about in it and then C and I rolled around on the blanket while K bounced around the garden. Literally. Naked. On his moonhopper. Around 5 we rustled up some biscuits for K's party. He helped mix the ingredients and counted the chocolate buttons. Amazingly, there were no buttons to be found after his efforts. Hehehe.
Eating up the freezer
And that's all for now :)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Highs and Lows
Monday, 10 January 2011
Cultcha smultcha
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Today I took the boys up to the rooms for the Plunket coffeegroup. Erin and Nakita were there and we had a good chat. I dashed home, practically melting in the heat, and Chris was waiting, pinny in hand, with a yummy risotto for lunch. He was then allowed to race off in the car for a boys afternoon while I attempted to get the boys down. K went down like a dream.... C, not so much. I was struggling with him after his 2nd awakening when a small shape tiptoed into the bedroom, scurried over to me and whispered "Found you mummy!" before giving me a big kiss. My heart melted.... Today I popped C in the inflatable boat and he cooed and giggled as he glided around the pool. No, the pool is very small - he glided all of 50 cm before bumping into a wall or K's eager helping hands ;) C's hair has suddenly grown in and he no longer has a fluffy tuft/mohawk but a proper head of hair. Brown hair, to match his brown eyes. The promised tooth however is still promising grrrrr.
I must also start to think about getting C christened. Better do it soon as his birthday is in May!!! Where does the time go! I am sure his Godfather to be is champing at the bit to don dark suit and a Mafia accent hahah. The baby sign language is going well. C recognises the signs for bath, snackin's, nappy and sleep. So does Chris :P
Tomorrow we are heading out to the Museum - I MUST remember my camera!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
A plague descended
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