Chris has gone on a pickling binge! Every jar in the house has been washed and filled with pickled red cabbage, pickled onions or rhubarb relish. While the results are lovely - especially the relish - the pungency of the vinegar seething through the house was a bit hard to take. He vanished off to Gilmours to see Chef Doyle last saturday when K had his first dance lesson and was gone for hours. HOURS!! It was a terrifying moment seeing him struggle through the door laden down with bags haha. K's first dance leson went well. We walked there. I am trying to walk more with the stroller as this should have dual benefit of exercising me and conserving petrol. K enjoyed it but only participated in a fifth of the class. There were also episodes of lying on the floor weeping that he had to follow orders :) Obviously I am not enough of a mean mummy! We also planned on going to playcentre on Monday. As I gazed out the window at the teeming rain I mentally scratched Playcentre from my list of "things to do today". Instead we stayed home, and cleaned. The boys were a big help :P Speaking of the boys C is well on his way to crawling. He rolls around on his mat like a maniac and my days are punctuated with excited goos then pitiful shrieks... I trot over, flip him over and the cycle resumes.... oy vey. In other exciting boy news K managed to break the clip on the side of the high chair. We now have a ravenous 5 month old baby and no high chair.... yay! We have also now ended the PORSE sessions. By going to Playcentre on tuesday (rainy Monday remember) I was able to mitigate the blow for Kieran. Truth be told he hasn't mentioned it or seemed to care at all. Which is fantastic. We also headed out to Cornwallis beach - the boys just loved it and I could hardly tear K away. All that digging. It was so good in fact that Chris and I went out there again on the weekend. K had a blast - especially as he was allowed to dig to his heart's content. I must pronounce a death knell on the poor beetroot and capsicum seedlings that I so happily planted in recent weeks. K's furtive diggings in their pots have killed them all.
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