I was lucky enough to have visitors yesterday - it was wonderful catching up with Rache and Kym. Being housebound is not all it is cracked up to be! I miss the library (mmm warm, mmm books!) but can't face the thought of trying to walk there, let alone in the pouring rain we have experienced over the last 2 days! Sadly, I am also back on the diet as I have a few pregnancy kg's to lose... sigh. Aaaan Chris has made me sick!!! Now I feel run down with a sore throat in addition to my other, and myriad, woes!! Bad form Chris!
On thursday we head off to our "confirmation of viability" scan. I am pretty sure that we know what will be on the screen but it will help us move forward, knowing exactly where we're at.
Kieran is such a lovely boy. He has been super cuddly today and has just been unutterably precious - why, he didn't even bodyslam the cat! Poor Bandit is now walking on tenterhooks waiting for the dread event to occur at any moment.
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