Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Days Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen and Sixteen: School Holidays

Can you guess the daily updates were doing my head in? :P
On Day Eleven we went to the pools for the giant inflatable session with Nicole, Alex and Brodie. Had the brochure mentioned it was a giant bouncy castle moored in the deepest part of the pool I would not have gone. I managed 15 minutes of fearing for the boys lives before giving up and us all heading to Howard Park playground. My resolved for swimming lessons was set in stone after that, let me assure you!
On Day Twelve we headed off to the library for a play in the morning. Kieran was really excited as he had completed his reading challenge for the summer holidays. In the afternoon I gave each boy a pound and took them to the op shops where they could spend it as they wished. Kieran bought a set of Charlie and Lola books while Cameron borrowed a pound from me to buy a brand new Mousetrap game - which was the very devil to assemble and the boys managed to lose all the balls for.
On Day Thirteen we just chilled at home with the boys - lots of havoc and mayhem while I typed my minutes as fast as I could while Chris looked like a fox that would happily gnaw its own leg off to free itself from a trap :P
On Day Fourteen we headed up the Longdendale trail. It was a lovely cool day and I packed a picnic. We hopped on the train to Hadfield and got to see some different rolling green fields and hills. Chris staggered along wheezing and bent double for most of the 3 mile walk, and began whimpering about feeling tingles in his fingertips. At this point we gave up and headed back home. We did manage to fit in a bit of raspberry and blackberry picking though! Over the hill was where Dam busters took place and was filmed.
On Day Fifteen we headed to the Scout hut to keep on with the sorting and organising until 1:30. Once home we made cinnamon scrolls, then visited the library, built polydron shapes and chilled. I made a delicious lemon and mint syrup that we are drinking with soda water and the boys absolutely love. It is delicious!!
Today we had a pyjama morning and baked. We baked LOTS of things. Blackberry muffins, chocolate brownies and bread rolls for the chicken burgers I lovingly prepared for dinner. In the afternoon I took the boys up to the Swimming Pool for their swimming skill assessment and signed them up for lessons. They did really well, and were very confident in the water. Cameron in fact was so confident he tried to flee when he was asked to get out and the swimming instructor had to retrieve him.

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