Today, the sun was gloriously defeated by storm clouds and rain. Gazing out at the grey, gloomy day I left the washing in the washing machine. Not even my innate optimism thought there was any point in hanging it out on the line. As Lyme Park was closed for the day Mum and Mike decided that Bolsover Castle was the destination du jour. We drove there through the less than idyllic surrounds of Sheffield and as we arrived I discovered my camera battery was flat. Once my period of grieving had ended we began to explore the castle. William Cavendish was quite the man really! And a keen lover of horseflesh too aka the Father of Dressage! We strolled through the castle grounds as a sword lesson began and watched as children flailed at each other with wooden swords, whereupon we hustled into what turned out to be the horses terrace. There was a truckload of useful information about the 1st Duke of Newcastle and a little video that was very atmospheric, and provided absolutely no information about the man, his life or heirs at all. Bolsover Castle also has a splendid wooden castle themed play area which the boys took full advantage of while we picnicked in the gloom, though luckily, not the rain. Once the sass had been run out of them, and they had been fed to their hearts content we re-entered the castle for a more thorough look. We watched a demonstration of how William Wallace and Joan of Arc were killed, with the hangman using wooden dolls with potato heads as these notables. There was much cheering as William W was hanged, drawn and quartered by the rather burly hangman before learning that the Maid of Orleans was burnt three times, for the heinous crime of wearing men's clothing. We then hustled towards the castle where the boys were drawn like honeybees to the rather marvellous fountain featuring many incontinent cherubs voiding their bladders. Once inside the castle proper the delight continued for the boys, the excellent acoustics ensuring we heard their dulcet tones ad nauseum. The parapets also proved popular, allowing me the opportunity to exercise my lungs at great length to summon the boys back to my side. . It was a lovely day and we all had a ,lovely time, only slightly marred by the boys unholy delight at seeing the rather splendid gift store as we fled the premises.
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