Kieran, aided by me, has discovered the excitement of flags. We bought a special scrapbook to stick flag pictures in, and used the laptop to do a flag alphabet. His favourite flag however, id the magnificent Cymru Dragon. Yup, it's the Welsh dragon all the way for K. We even bought a welsh flag to go on the car. After it blew off and was retrieved I mended it and hung it on the boys bedroom wall. This morning much excitement ensued as a parcel arrived from England. K was especially excited by the flag placemat, and we looked at the English flag, and about a zillion others lol. K was so excited he insisted on taking it in to Kindy for show and tell. Being quite multicultural they were very pleased to have it, and all the children happily pointed out their national flag. K's is apparently the Welsh flag lol. I prepped Swedish Gingerbread the other day, and we shall bake it tomorrow morning, before K heads into kindy. After a week of hideous nappies, and awful nappy rash C's bottom has cleared up and a tooth has emerged. The nightly awakenings during this period have ended also. Now if only K would stay in his bed! My new swimsuit looks very nice, I shall have to buy another that is 2 sizes smaller for after Xmas!
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