This year was the first that K really "got" Halloween. We discussed costumes 6 weeks out and settled on a Pirate theme - very exciting. C was a little more problematic but we eventually settled on Pirate's Monkey theme. I scoured the op shops hoping to find items in navy red and white that I could cannibalise for the costume. I managed to score a black sash for 20c but that was it! However the local $ shop came to our aid with a hat, bandanna (useless!) and eyepatch for a total of $5. On the day K was supper excited. I got the boys dressed after dinner - a dinner interrupted by Trick or Treaters - and we headed out around the Circle. We met up with Esteban dressed as Superman and did the rounds of the houses, knocking on doors and thanking people as we left. K had an absolute blast. Isabelle and Maddie were also out - Isabelle made a great cat lol. The amount of lollies in the bag was eye boggling - probably because a door would open and the home owner went "Oh LOOK at the little baby MONKEY!!" C became very deft at hiding the hand with the lollipop in order to beg more treats. K ran the whole way, and I got to carry the fat little monkey. Afterwards Chris got to bath the sugar hopped boys and I fled across the road to go to Zumba with Isabelle :) It was a great night.
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