An exciting moment today - Cameron came down the flight of stairs, all 17 of them, backwards. And, unlike his father, no falling of any kind was detected. Speaking of their father we received a Skype call from Germany. The boys screamed in delight to see their disheveled, just awakened papa, and have obviously been missing him. Chris raved about German food and has OBVIOUSLY been enjoying himself FAR TOO MUCH lol. Had an awesome bonding moment with K when we walked past some Impatiens flowers and saw their seedpods were almost ripe. I showed K how to squeeze them so the pod pops opens and curls up, just like I used to do when I was small. He had just as much fun as I remember having :) K is now taking himself to the toilet before his bath in the evening - he is such a good boy, if a bit sickly at the moment... and it appears that his brother has the same little cough and fever - dangnabbit!!
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