...well, ok it was a lovely sunny day when Chris left, but the sentiment remains true. We celebrated Daddy going to work in an aeroplane with pizza and then the boys were bathed and popped into bed. I anticipate more questions as to Chris's whereabouts tomorrow though Kieran seems more interested in telling me about how he had 5 farts in a row lol! The result of which was a shriek a few minutes later that the poo was shouting to come out.... well it may have been shouting but it changed its mind if so. As you have gathered Kieran is going great guns with using the toilet. We only have nappies on at night, and have done extremely well, with only 4 accidents in the whole week, with those happening when he has been caughtup playing. I am really impressed with him, especially as I would never has chosen winter as the ideal toilet training season! The week went well, we had some lovely sunny days, so I managedto get truckloads of washing done and dried so I could get Chris packed. I also decided to walk K to Kindy on thursday...and walked home with C in the stroller, woke C at 12:10 and raced off to Kindy to collect K. We had a picnic at Ceramco playground, and a play...and jeepers C LOVES slides, then headed off to the library. By the time I got home I had walked over 11000 steps, over 6km. On friday we walked to Playcentre. Sadly K whined and wailed and made the walk there a right pain in the ass. Naturally he morphed into an angelic child as we reached the Playcentre gate. Typical! Both boys enjoyed running around in the sun and playing in the sandpit. However the session was too much for "Sandflinger" Seal and he fell asleep in the stroller - causing the loss of his water bottle. Much sadness ensued. Once home I tried to collapse but the boys wanted feeding and entertaining. I dunno, the youth of today! At 5:15 I heard that Chris was delayed so grabbed the stroller and bolted up to the fish and chip shop, cunningly phoning in my order before I did so hehe. Boys thoroughly enjoyed both the walk and the fish and chips. Sadly I managed to somehow lose Kieran's kindy bag, annoying as his OshKosh braces adn lightning McQueen socks were in it. I shall have to take K to Henderson on Wednesday to choose a new one. Sigh.
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