Tuesday, 30 August 2011
'Tis the last day of Winter...
Friday, 26 August 2011
Say Hurray for Op Shops!
We took a stroll in the warm sunny afternoon - K hacking up a storm next to me, C chilling in the stroller. K decided we needed to stop in at the op shop and we walked out with 3 Bob the builder toys, 2 Thomas the tank engine trains, a waterproof jacket for K and a book on nature... for $3.70 - ie all the cash I had on me lol. I was quite pleased with our haul lol. I am currently reading Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation series - sort of a hybrid of the Scarlet Pimpernel and Jane Austen novels. They are quite amusing, although at book 6 (featuring India of all things) my interest is waning... there are 9 books in the series. I want to reread the Laurie R King Sherlock Holmes & Mary Russell series - it is excellent.
We were planning on going to the beach yesterday as it was warm and sunny (hard to believe we are in the last month of winter!) but the boys deep hacking coughs put me off. It was just as well really, as K's behaviour degenerated, with 3 timeouts in a 20 minute period.Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Study time
Monday, 22 August 2011
Stairward ho
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Queen of clean
On saturday we went to the Playhouse theatre for lo, the Gruffalo was playing. K loved it, especially as the Gruffalo came and sat in the seat in front of him! I was quite excited to learn that th Gruffalo's child is coming next year. Apparently it is on in the UK at the moment. We headed out to the North Shore on Saturday after the show to collect a toilet seat with step and handles for K. I was very pleased to get it at such a cheap price - $13!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
He's flown from the land of the mist and snow...
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Snow? In Auckland? Yup!!
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Sweet dreams are made of this....
Those sneaky p**'s - warning: may upset those of a delicate constitution
We are day 2 into toilet training. It all began on Friday morning when I held up a pair of Toy Story undies and asked K if he wanted to wear big boy undies like all the other Children at Playcentre....or a nappy like a baby. Once his enthusiastic, nay - fervent, agreement had been procured I cunningly added that I was so thrilled that he was a big boy who didn't need nappies. Once at Playcentre I told him if he didn't have a sit on the toilet, to check that sneaky poos and wees weren't hiding in his bottom, and therefore wet his pants we would have to GO HOME. He practically leapt at the toilet lol. Yup, that kid LOVES Playcentre. And that night he had his first wee in the toilet, and in fact, all day! Boy must have an iron bladder!! The trend continued today although he did wet himself. This however was due to the neighbour's boy coming over (for 2 hours!! Aiiieee) and K being too reluctant to take time away from play to go to the toilet. No harm done, a quick wash and he was back on the road again. He seems quite excited about being a big boy who wears big boy undies now. My cunning plan of making sure the nappies don't feel that comfy is working better than I ever imagined! I will let Kindy know that he is toilet training and with a bit of luck we will have many a dry day - yay!!!! I have also bid on a potty and toddler toilet seat on trademe. The auction closes on Monday night and I hope I am the successful bidder :) Chris has however made our evening conversations more scatalogical than I ever dreamed possible, cheerily telling K that his fart was "a little poo shouting to get out." Yup. Good times. And you just KNOW that this little gem will be trotted out at a time to cause me maximum embarrasment - don't you!
Thursday, 11 August 2011
The feet are made for walking
More exultation is occurring at Chez Seal..... Cameron is starting to walk. This is very exciting. He has a wicked crawl on him, even if he does swing out wide with the enthusiasm of his motion. Now he shrills at us to hold his hands and walk with him. K is getting into it all too, with demands to "help Cameronbear walk!" I must video this. C was initially quite dubious about entrusting his safety to his brother's hands (with some justification I must confess) but now is very happy. After our delightful experience of Hand, Foot and Mouth, and keeping the boys at home for a full week in case K contracted it K was happy, no delighted to return to Kindy. He dashed in the gates bellowing greetings to all, naming them as he did so. And ever since his return to Kindy I get a quick hug and am able to bolt out the gate. What used to be a 15 minute palaver now takes 4 minutes. WOW. So some good came of hand, foot and mouth after all. He is loving Kindy, just having a blast. The weather has been unseasonably warm for winter - so warm my mulberries are fruiting (they are the size of nailheads - tiny!! But not too shabby as it was this tree we bought to celebrate K's birth) and my guava tree has produced its second crop (of 1 fruit) for the year!! Lots of sunny, not too cold days has meant picnics and trips to various playgrounds - great winter weather for all of us. They boys have naturally been enjoying the delights of the trampoline and life has been good to us all. I told Chris there was no point in buying a trampoline in late autumn as the boys would not get a lot if use from it. Shame on me I was wrong. And when the boys are not leaping like loons the cat is esconsed upon it. Having friends over tomorrow. It will be good to see Kym tomorrow. Sadly she wants her toddler toilet seat back so I shall investigate Trademe for something for the boys. Time to start C on his toileting journey and his elder brother can come along for the ride lol. Chris now has firm dates for flying to Germany. He leaves on Sat 20th, but in the evening so the boys will get to see the Gruffalo play with their daddy - yay for the boys! He will be back in September after being away for 12 days.... should be interesting to see how we go on :)
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