Alas the days of glorious sunshine have come to an end. Wednesday was cloudy and cool, later freezing thanks to the wind and today we got the rain, oh yeah. Lucky us!! Hopefully tomorrow is fine so the boys get a train ride tomorrow - fingers crossed anyway. Wednesday was going to be my catch up with Suzie day but then I heard that the builder was coming at 8am to redo the vanity in the bathroom. He walked through the door and was met with a cheery "Hello Sammy!" I still have no idea who Sammy is. Builder then intro'd himself to K as Bob the Builder (and Si to me) and was then closely supervised by Kieran until I dragged him off to Kindy. Cameron was also very interested in the dismantling of the cupboard and had to be forcibly removed several times. The day went well though, I made pumpkin, oat and carrot bread, pizza bases and chocolate shortbread. Collected K from kindy, and boy was he in a froth of anticipation to see the builder!!! Isabelle and co came over that afternoon and cavortings ensued. Last night Cameron made up for his apallingly sleep free night on tuesday and slept well, waking 1x for water. Alas he woke at 5am and wouldn't go back to sleep. He is cutting another tooth - and hating it!! He went to sleep at 9:30am, and I had to wake him at 12:15 to go get K from kindy. We visited Nakita - K loves visting "his Kita" then headed home. C enjoyed another nap at 3:30, awaking at 4:40pm, just in time to step outside and see the ambulance on the road outside. K was wriggling with excitement (we were the only ones on the footpath), gloried in the lights and siren being put on just for him, and danced with delight when allowed to explore the back, and being placed in the drivers seat..... good times for a little boy. Tomorrow Henderson and juggling awaits!
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