We learnt some valuable things last night. K learned why one should not juggle the sugar container... and we learned that even plastic can smash on the tiles. We also learned patience... we learn that a lot around here but dammit, why so many refresher courses??? Kieran's second Kindy session was the bomb. I had the morning from hell as the muppet was tired. He was in bed by 11 and I woke him at 1:10 and we skidded into Kindy at 1:28, beating check in cut off by a minute. Damn, I am GOOD! He had a brilliant session. I also dropped C of at Nakita - she's a saint, that Nakita, and hit houses for Census. I did good. What with those houses and my evenings work I was looking good to achieving my targets. I was until a state of emergency was declared anyway. I cannot fathom what Christchurch is experiencing right now. The pain, and trauma and the constant, ongoing fear as the city continues to shake. It made me hold my family a little closer to my heart. Guess who's getting Skyped tonight :) I am digging out blankets and clothes and we are making a $20 donation. It's all we can afford but we feel we need to make it. We also need to get our disaster kit set up!
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