Yup, old Fang has cut his first tooth at the ripe age of 9 months. He spent 4 days of angst driven sleepless nights letting us know how unimpressed he is with the situation. The tooth is now above the gum and can be seen clearly - and may I add he has a wicked bite! In other news... he has also officially been out as long as he was in - that's my boy :) What to say about young Cameron.... well, he is the apple of his brother's eye. K delights in his "bath with friends" and now that C can sit, travel about the floor and seize toys is able to steal much more interesting toys - though he does now give a replacement toy. C is happy, laughs a lot, loves his "mummum" and daddad" and is trying to say cat. He is a born drummer and I am seriously thinking about getting him a drum for his birthday in May, as he gravitates to these whenever he sees them. He loves music, and books, and snackin's. He is a FINE feeder, inhaling food like a champ, and is a happy, giggly, relaxed little love of a baby! He also enjoys having his brother crawl into the cot with him and tickle him and blow raspberries on any bodypart he can reach. We love you Cameron!
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