Alas, no WOF!! Chris returned to the house somewhat disconsolate and reported that the front brake hoses were perished and cracked... and OF COURSE needed to be replaced. $340!! This was exciting as we were heading out to a work function at Auckland University on sunday. We wound up catching the train in and walking through the domain. It was a hurried, hot and sweaty experience as we were running late. However a good time was had by all, and K was entranced by the magician's rabbit. We had a lightning fast catchup with Colin and Ros - too fast - and then we dashed off to catch the train home. We staggered into our respective beds at 11pm. But both boys were very good, and it was a good time out. On the monday we headed out in the stroller to playcentre where once again K romped and had a fabulous time. Tuesday it rained and we decided to stay home as Chris had taken the car into work. We did puzzles, and made a magic wand. I also made lemon cheesecake, swedish gingerbread, lemonade, bread and yoghurt. On wednesday we headed up to the rooms for the Plunket coffeegroup and K merrily built towers and frolicked about. We arrived home to find a christmas parcel and much frivolity ensued. That afternoon we headed into town on the train as I had a meeting to minute. To my horror, I discovered that K had dug up the precious 4 seedlings that had managed to escape K's trowel of doom. Since I had planted seeds on 6 seperate occasions - and K had disobeyed my very clear instructions to leave the seeds/pots/seedlings alone on 5 previous occasions I was understandably irked. Nevertheless, he was very well behaved on the gtrain and bus trip to the University. All was going well until, yet again, I was unable to find the area where Chris worked. And alas, Pascal was not in his office to be my guide. I made the meeting - albeit slightly late - and Chris cavorted in Albert Park with the munchkins. Friday was the last Playcentre session for the year and K had a blast dressing up as a policeman, rolling about on the gym mats, digging up the sandpit and playing with the trains. Cameron had a blast too, leaping about in the exersaucer. He was an angel on Friday too, politely requesting to play with his playdough. He has recently embraced the joy that is playdough - and adores it! Saturday dawned, and with it the last dance class of 2010. The next one is in February!! So, I have popped a vid up of once of the little dances :) Enjoy!!
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