On the 23rd Chris headed off to work and I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I also took the boys off for a walk to the playground. Sadly Chris arrived home at 2 - a full hour later than expected so departure got pushed out an hour too. We headed off to Puhoi and Ruthsnew house. Ruth's was lovely. We had a fab roast dinner, viewed the property and the BEAUTIFUL house and headed on up. We arrived in Kerikeri at 11:30pm, no credit on our cells and with 10c left in our bank saccount - but we got there. We chilled out on the 24th, doing last minute shopping (payday!) and then it was Xmas Eve..... We staggered into bed at some awful hour as K seemed too excited to sleep. Oddly, for all of his excitement looking forward to xmas, he didn't seem that excited on the day and had to be urged to open his presents. And, typically, twas sunny before and after xmas day... but the 25th was cloudy and dull. All 3 boys helped stud the ham with cloves - and boy, did they make a mess! Our gifts of preserves went over well, and K really liked his little fire station and truck. K had a blast. C just chilled. Before we knew it we had done xmas, visited the beach house, had birthday celebrations and hopped in the car to drive back home. It was a MUCH better trip back as the boys were quieter C sleeping for an good chunk of the trip and K just chilling. Today I got bread done, washing and heaps of other chores underway while Chris did a sterling job of walking K, hanging out washing, running the dishwasher and making dinner. Sadly C was savaged by mosquito's his first night back... 11 on one arm, and bites on his ear, eyebrow, forehead and lip. My poor baby!!!
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