No more bites have been discovered upon C's delicate flesh. This is great news as the mosquito's are the size of blowflies! Seriously, I was able to count the black and white stripes on the one that landed on my arm!! Good west auckland water haha. This week is going to be a good one - chilling out and having some solid family time. We are looking forward to friday/payday. Chris especially as he received a italian cheesemaking kit for christmas and is afire with cheesemaking zeal!! We plan to take K to the museum before Chris goes back to work. We are putting up the pool today - which will excite K tremendously haha and will also be baking biscuits for K to cut shapes for. I can't believe K's birthday is in 10 days - where does the time go!! Soon I will be baking a gruffalo cake and partying up at the playcentre :) Plans for tomorrow include calling playcentre contact, Southern Cross and collecting my key from Suzie.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Auld Lang Syne
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Hooray for Christmas Day
Friday, 17 December 2010
Silenced seedlings
Friday, 10 December 2010
Weekend frivolity..
The sound of one hand clapping
We went to playcentre on tuesday and as usual K had a blast. He painted up a storm and is really getting the whole sharing and taking turns concept. I am really pleased. The only downside to this was the battle getting K to walk up the hill. We spent 20 minutes on our hill with him refusing to walk to the top of the hill. My policy is that he walks to the top of the hill, and can then ride the rest of the way. Wednesday was the same sadly, when we headed out for the Plunket coffee group. On wednesday afternoon I gave some thought to changing this behaviour. Both boys were asleep at the same time ( A MIRACLE) so I cleaned the lounge, beat the rug, set up lunch outside ready for the boys, and did laundry and dishes. K was very excited to see the little table and the bumbo waiting on the lawn when he woke up - and actually ate a good lunch. On thursday we headed to the library for storytime and a morning tea. I changed the way we headed up the hill and asked K to walk up the hill as "that would mummy very happy". It worked = yay :) Last night poor C sounded like an 80 y/o smoker as he struggled through the cold K afflicted him with. It was so bad I couldn't really sleep, listening to him. We cancelled our ride to Cornwallis Beach and booked a dr's appointment... and they are both fine!! Lingering rotavirus for k which is why his tummy still dodgy, and C...just a cold. We headed in to Henderson on the train today too - K was beautifully behaved!! We purchased all sorts of good things - yay. Tomorrow is dance class and while "we" dance Chris will be taking the car for its WOF..... Oh, let my assault on the fence/letterbox not cause it to fail!!!
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