Our playdate over at Erins last week went very well - apart from Chunky soiling himself in a dramatic fashion :) We headed out to Kym's for a Wii date. Cheeky had a blast playing with Alex - and the vast collection of cars. Kym also lent me some clothes for Chunky. The weekend did not go so well. Not only did my email completely sh&t itself but the weather was wild, wet and stormy. Since Cheeky is terrified of rain and wind at night this meant minimal sleep for Chris and I. We wound up playing swap the beds as we navigated between our bed and the mattress in Cheeky's bedroom. I then had a Skype meeting on sunday. This went well as Chunky was happily snoozing on my lap for the duration. On monday Ruth called to say she was out West. Yay!! So I invited her out to playcenter, where the boys had a blast and then we headed back home where more playing occurred :) Tried to put Cheeky down for a nap but the wind scared him too much, and I took the boys up to the shops and library. Pausing only to rescue more ducklings we had a great time, despite the wind, and that evening I headed off to a Plunket meeting in the torrential wind and rain!!! Poor Chunky wasn't best impressed either! Ckeeky has headed off to PORSE this morning with his lovely madagascar tupperweare lunchbox and we will visit IKsabelle this afternoon. Good times :)
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