Where has the time gone? ChunkyMunky is growing in leaps and bounds, and looks just like CheekyChops did...including his desperate desire to be held/cuddled all the time. CheekyChops celebrated this week by demonstrating his new habit - hitting people. This has severely reduced his popularity in the household as you can well imagine. Monday went well, We didn't go to Playcentre - that is a treat for tomorrow - but chilled out instead. On tuesday CheekyChops had a ball at PORSE, and we visited Isabelle etc in the afternoon. Bandit accompanied us and, upon being denied entrance, prowled about the domicile like a ravenous vampire at a church. This thrilled the kids no end, as you can imagine!!!! Wednesday was stunning - blue skies bathed in sunshine. We took the stroller and hit the library and plunket coffeegroup (where Erin very kindly lent me some clothes for ChunkyMunky... as my jokes about him going naked this Spring were not entirely in jest), before heading home. We had only been home for about 20 minutes when a great wailing and howling arose outside where the rubbish truck rumbled opposite the house. Struck by the level and range of profanity I ventured out (leaving K noodling about in the garden) thinking a dog had been run over by the truck and its owner was going apeshit at the truck when I saw the rubbish man lying on the ground, clutching his lower leg and screaming in agony. An ambulance was phoned and I headed insside for a blanket, towel and bag of frozen veges. I then made the poor lads life a living hell by taking off his shoe, and insisting on icing his leg. It took the ambulance 40 minutes to arrive..... oy vey!!! Between you and me he seemed a bit of a wuss :P It seemed mere moments later that it was 5:30 and time to prepare for dinner. I turned on the oven and gave ChunkyMunky a quick feed. An odd smell began to emanate from the kitchen. Peering into the smoky depths of the (recently cleaned!!!) oven I was horrified to see a thick red substance oozing gently down through the trays. I turned off the oven and frantically tried to remember what red toys we had. Luckily Chris arrived home at this point and the dance of the fire alarms began..... he removing trays and haring off into the garden, smoke trailing in his wake like a noxious comet, and me fanning away the noxious fumes filling the house with a tea towel. I am sure the neighbours marvelled at our antics, with every door and window open to fill the house with icy damp breezes and the 2 of us peering mournfully at the nigh unrecognisable carcass of K's Lightning McQueen lunchbox, while CheekyChops cavorted by the barbeque. It was at this point that I realised that I would not be making the Plunket meeting that night. Indeed, by the time the oven was cleaned, dinner made, kidlets bathed and put to bed I was knackered!!! Today was wet, and cold, and yucky. Both kidlets were little gobshites and I thought fondly of leaving them on an orphanage doorstep. I was able to get them both involved in making a Fathers Day present for this sunday - a Herculean task!!! Tomorrow is Playcentre and on saturday we collect our bought-cheap-on-trade-me-far-cheaper-than-hiring-one exersaucer. I have also fallen deeply in love with Wii and yearn for a console of my own. However at a price tag of NZ$400 this seems some distance away..... Roll on Xmas and birthday presents I say!!!!
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