Where has the time gone? Gosh, the week has just flown by. The weather on friday was beautiful so I decided to take K and C into Henderson on the train. K is very fond of trains. I also decided to take C in a sling and to let K walk - and left the stroller at home. Big mistake. Huge. We got into Henderson with K enraptured by the trip and headed off to the library. Excitement soon palled, especially as I had to pause to feed the snackin' fiend. I suggested that we leave the library to have some food- which initiated a massive meltdown by K at the foot of the stairs...sigh. I can now confirm that one can carry a child while an infant is strapped to one's chest - but that it is very difficult. I carried/dragged the child to Dr Shoe where I collected Chris's shoe. The repair looked great. You couldn't tell that Chris had ruptured the stitching pushing the car. K continued the tanty, then magically regained some semblance of normality. I purchased a chocolate man for him and we headed into the playground. All was well until some older boys entered the area (ages 7 or 8). One of them shoved K out of the way and this was too much for my litle boy. We had another massive tanty. I finally managed to get him onto his feet and moving but just as we approached the station I saw the train pull in. We could not have caught it. Feeling somewhat desperate as I now had 30 minutes to kill before the next train I headed into Toyworld where K was fascinated by the train sets - and even more fascinated by the Tonka trucks - Chuck the truck I think. They rolled and somersaulted their way along a track and he was in love. Luckily I spotted a wooden Iggle Piggle toy on the remainder table next to the trucks - for $10 from $30. I pounced and lured K away. We scurried to the train with 1 tanty on the 100 metre trip, then headed home - with one tanty on the way. Well, it was a lot of walking for a little boy I must say!! Once home a huge meal was consumed - wow. He even ate most of MY lunch!!! A lovely nap for all followed when I tricked him into having a snuggle on the mattress on the floor. On Saturday we were going to go to Craig Avon but it rained. We are talking torrential downpour. Dvd's were watched and children minded. Baking was attempted and consumed. Sunday passed in a similar fashion :) K is slowly getting back to normal re sleeping habits. I rearranged his bedroom - which seemed to help, removed the pictures from the walls, and we have had to sit in there with him. Despite this, he still screams the house down when placed into his Pj's. However, last night, for the first time in ages, he did NOT visit us in the wee smalls. Yay Kieran!! Cameron thrilled us too with a stretch of sleep lasting 6.5 hours. Woohoo. I was going to go to Playcentre today but K was in a bit of a mood and by the time I fed and dressed the boys and myself it was past 10am. Instead we stayed home and I changed around the toys to titillate K's interest. I also attempted to tidy the house - an exercise in futility if I have ever seen one! Tomorrow is the craft morning - hopefully I can get the cloth book tacked together - and maybeI can get the kitchen floor scrubbed... Maybe :)
Mum and Mike arrive early afternoon tomorro and stay for a week. It will be fun ;)
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