Gosh, it has been a week since mum and Mike left and I can't remember much of this week. Wednesday was the usual Plunket coffeegroup - which went well. On thursday I had a plunket committee meeting. I was also supposed to have a Plunket nurse visit - but she was sick and cancelled. I also found that the WINZ subsidy had been paid to Henry - which was good. However, Henry is growing to appreciate the work involved in caring for CheekyChops.... and $6 an hour just doesn't cut it :). On friday I visited Suzie and CheekyChops had a fantastic time playing. On the weekend we just chilled. We spent the the time cleaning up the house and going food shopping. We started our diet today so had to make sure we were stocked up. As it is I will be doing a vege shop tomorrow, before my craft morning before I collect CheekyChops. I also have to type up minutes too. Today I took CheekyChops to Playcentre where he had a blast. The weather was torrential rain but cleared to blue sunny skies by 9:30am -which is when we departed for Playcentre. CheekyChops had a meltdown at the end though and we dashed home and he was put straight to bed, where he had a refreshing 1.5 hour nap. This afternoon, as we left the house for the library, a fire engine came into the circle and the firemen waved at CheekyChops who was well overawed - but managed to wave back :P. The library visit went well, was followed by a quick trip to the local playground and culminated in a pizza dinner and bath for the Cheeky one. Alas, his younger brother took substantially more effort to get down (she says, typing at 9pm at night, having just deposited his ass in the cot!!!). On thursday ChunkMunky has his 3 month immunisations - and we should have a grand old time with that!!
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