Mum and Mike have just left. They left to a greyish sky and we have now enjoyed torrential rain and a general chilling down of the temp.... A good time to leave methinks :)
They arrived on Tues but only arrived late - 2 hours after I expected them. I did the usual things like check to make sure there were no reported accidents etc but it turns out their rental car agency had put a map of North Island into the car rather than the more useful Auckland map. On Wednesday they had the delight of coming along to my plunket coffeegroup. Mum taught Erin how to knit, and she seemed to really enjoy it. An hour of interacting with children - with K being a bit of a handful was enough to send them off to the shops. Lucky devils!!! And when they returned they brought a laptop. I was sooooo excited. It it amazing. It does everything. It is soo cool. Hehehehehe I am very very lucky!!! On thursday we headed into Henderson looking for several things, including a Lightning McQueen backpack for Kieran. Nothing of this ilk could be found - but mum and Mike found a lovely train backpack which K really likes. It matches really well with the Thomas trains that they brought. K loves them so much that he has slept with them for several nights :) On friday we headed out to MOTAT. I had been planning on driving but.... the car wouldn't start. Boy, was I ticked!!! We managed to squeeze into the little yellow car however, though I am still not sure how! It was a greyish blustery day with occasional drizzle. Much better than I expected from the forecast!! We marvelled at various pieces of technology and hopped onto the tram to check out the aeroplanes. K had a marvellous time when he discovered a pedal mini plane. He, and another boy, hopped into it and had a marvellous time. It wasn't so marvellous getting him out though!!! I eventually had to let him race around the hangar to work off his disappointment. On saturday Chris toddlerwrangled while we headed out to do some clothes shopping. It was exhausting - but worthwhile and I got some lovely things!! Mum has great taste :) I managed to pick up a nice present for a friends daughter too - useful as her 1 year birthday was the following day! Melita's birthday party was lovely and K had a great time. We (ie Chris) gave the car a good run to make sure the battery was nice and charged. This seemed to keep it idling a lot better. On Monday we planned to take the train into town to meet Chris for lunch at the Wurst House. We were, until I looked at the cost!! It would have cost us all $30 for the trip. Instead we drove. We started walking up to the University and when we reached the overbridge between Albert Park and AUT K had a major meltdown and had tantrum after tantrum, rolling around on the ground and screaming. I had to pick him up and carry him, cursing roundly the entire time. Difficult to do when one has a baby strapped across one's chest you know! We finally managed to drag ourselves into Light Metals where we found a native guide. This kindly Canadian directed us through the rabbit warren that is Chris's workplace and we gratefully passed ownership of K to him. Lunch was lovely and was finished off with some Kapiti icecream. It was a struggle to keep K awake on the way home - but we managed, and he slept fr almost 3 hours!!! The Baby Factory called to say that K's new booster seat was waiting. I was really thrilled to get one for $90 - mcuh cheaper than regular retail. K seems really happy with it,m and I have washed the covers for his old carseat. C will now be moved into it, and we will use the stroller more when out and about... though I have been developing great arm muscles carrying the capsule. C's sleeping has been fantastic (we got another 7.5 hour stretch last night!) and he has been a snackin' fiend. Judging by the little white bumps on his lower gums there may be teeth coming soon. Then Monday night I went out to dinner. It was an intimate dinner - just me, mum, Mike and Cameron. The meal was delicious and the conversation wonderfully adult :) Today dawned clear after some more torrential rain this morning. But then it blued up and we had a lovely time at Cornwall Park where we devoured a Devonshire tea and walked around enjoying the sunshine. We then headed back to Glen Eden where we collected Kieran and took the boys to Parrs Park where one frolicked, and one frolicked in my arms, and 2 adults swung on the swings, and played with a ball. I cursed the fact that I hadn't brought my camera.
Tomorrow is coffeegroup.... I believe it will rain - oh joy!