Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Splishy splashy

K had a lovely time at playgroup choosing to spend most of his time with the water feature. He began to get a bit cross and grumpy as 11am hit and then actually bit a boy who was heading up the slide before him. It left an imprint but wasn't hard enough to cause the other boy to squeak. I was pretty ticked and will keep a beady eye on K. Woe betide if he does it again for he shall surely regret it!! On Tuesday I took K up to the library and shops. The weather was a bit iffy but I decided that we needed to get out of the house. It began to spit as we headed home but that was ok 'cos we made it inside without being drenched. It sunned up nicely in the afternoon - apart from cloudy periods - so I half filled the paddling pool and let K romp about the garden clad only in a long sleeved t-shirt. My little nudie rudie loved it - but kept trying to heave his wet self onto my nice dry lap!!
Today Chris had a half day off as we had a midwife appointment.We ran around pricing the cost of getting 6 copies of his thesis printed and bound. Printing alone comes to $600. Jesus wept!!! Chris is now looking seriously at buying a laser printer for $450 and going that route. I booked my tickets for the contact course today. Through cunning planning I managed to save $60... but it is still a truckload of money. Why do we have money issues right before Xmas I ask you!! Still, at least we are not doing xmas pressies this year which helps... A LOT!!
All went well with the midwife and we got to hear the baby's (singular!) heartbeat. It was nice and strong. I am almost beginning to believe that we might actually end up with a real baby in May. I got back home and realised that Chris had forgotten to close the back door. Bandit was also excessively shrill and it wasn't until Chris had headed off to work that I realised that ducks had invaded Chez Seal while we were away. Yikes!! No wonder Mr B was ticked!! We were going to buy the Slinky Malinki's christmas crackers book from whitcoulls today at 50% off as we got vouchers in the mail but dear Mr Ditz headed off to work without said vouchers... sigh. This afternoon we aren't going out. I am just too tired by the time 2pm rolls around! Our local park is a bit boring as the swings have been removed from the vandalised frame - leaving only the slide. K does love running around on the grass though, so maybe...

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