Thursday, 5 November 2009

Remember, remember the 5th of November

Indeed mateys - it's Guy Fawkes in this here part of town. I must say that while I like fireworks as much as the next person my enjoyment of them diminishes in direct proportion to how long they keep my baby awake. Apparently the denizens of Barnea Circle feel that their lives are incomplete if they cannot start firing off fireworks from 6:30pm till late. Sigh.
I haven't done much this week to be honest. Monday we had the scan and so I missed playgroup. On Tuesday it rained.On Wednesday it was sunny. Sadly the weather only cleared up after it was too late for me to walk to Mainly Music and get there before the session started - so K missed out on that. Boo! I did get a load of washing done and hung out though - bonus. I took K up to the library where he had a wonderful time.
Today was storytime at the library. It was also hosing down. Ruth came to visit and K and Finley frolicked mightily before K dropped to his knees and begged for his nap at noon. He is sleeping like a dream in his toddler bed and we have gone back to 2 hour naps- yay. Yesterday was almost 3 hours, and today was 2 hrs 30 mins. I can cope with this :) Hopefully the weather improves for Friday as I am stir crazy. I have however promised to do some baking for the Plunket Cake stall on the weekend, and shall be preparing a Cape Brandy Tart - sans brandy as we have none :). Our plans for the weekend involve me babywrangling while Chris makes the changes to his thesis. Good times. I have also started study towards my summer school paper - and boy, isn't that a blast!!
BUT Chris brought home a bunch of roses for me today - what a dear sweet man :)

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