Being sick is EXHAUSTING!! On wednesday I took K along to Mainly Music where he frolicked and leaped and had a wonderful time. On our way there in the stroller I picked flowers and leaves for him to examine turning our walk there into a nature trail haha. Once we arrived I discovered that K had lost Pirate Duck - the toy he had dragged into the stroller sigh. We practically fled after the session as K has been going down for his nap between 11:30 and noon - and it is a half hour walk.. and when the session ends late as this one did.... We skidded off home with me keeping a sharp eye out for pirate duck - to no avail! It was that afternoon that I had a suspicion that K and I were falling ill. The next day Ruth, Finn, K and I headed out to CraigAvon Park. The boys had a ball. They frolicked in the playground, chased each other round the trees, stole other children's inflatable balls and had a whale of a time. And we even managed to get K home, awake! The sun was shining and all was well with the world apart from my fear that K had chickenpox! After K awoke we headed up to the Dr's where I saw a very nice Dr and had more blood taken from me. This time I had a toy, a book, and a chocolate rabbit for K... and he could not have cared less that I was having blood taken. They took it from the same arm that my preg bloods had been done from and my arm ached for a few days. Ouch! On friday we headed out to Horizon where we had the nuchal fold test. It seems unlikely that the bubs will have Downs - always a bonus - and the due date is May 29th.
The weekend was a bit of a blur. I was super sick across it - missing Ruth's baby shower - which I had been looking forward to - tho I did catch up with Jen mid sunday. Simon and Catherine also dropped by, but didn't stay for long.
The weather and my continued ill health, and K's perhaps chickenpox meant that we didn't go to Oratia playgroup on Monday. Hopefully next Monday we will be healthy enough and can do the buses and walking to get there. The Dr's called and I have chickenpox antibodies yay - so even if K does now come down with chickenpox I can be somewhat relaxed!! K was adorable, cute and very well behaved yesterday - I can't think what got into him :P. Today was fairly boring - just a trip to the Barnea Circle playground and chasing K around like the wicked wee weasel that he is :)