Sunday 3 April 2011

The clocks went back?

He's just so cute isn't he? He needs to be cos he tossed and turned and squeaked through much of last night...sigh, and woke us up at 6 this morning.... We thought it was 7 as we are poor sleep deprived parents. So he hustled and bustled about as I needed to buy Chris's birthday present - the one from his wife and sons.... and boy - THAT was a mission! After our first attempt to procure the present we went to the West Lynn Butterfly House. It was a gorgeous sunny morning, K was frolicking, C was snoozing on my shoulder and I FORGOT MY CAMERA.... Aargh. So, no new pictures of boys or Monarch butterflies. We headed home where K bounced his brains out on the trampoline and was then bounced into bed. C and I rolled around on the tramp, which he enjoyed greatly... almost as much as he enjoyed his first attempt to climb the stairs.... dammit, he's still fluffing about trying to crawl forwards so why the interest in the stairs? Tomorrow we are off to playcentre where I am running a playdough activity. I have made playdough precisely once before.... and it was arse. I also have an appointment at Kiwibank at 9am as they stuffed up our bank account transfer. yup, we turned up at 9am on Saturday and watched it get bollixed up. They need to have their "specialist" do it for us and he, surprise surprise, doesn't work weekends..... I also need to get cracking on the SMNZI minutes and admin work but I feel sure I can get it done before Wednesday... also known as Chris's birthday!!!!

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