So, it's been some time since Kieran's birthday. In the time since that post Cameron has had his 5th birthday, I've been to London, finished my GCSE in maths, and got a total of 3 part time jobs with Derbyshire County Council. Yesterday was the last day of the school term and the boys have been counting down the days for nearly two weeks now. They have been extremely well behaved while Chris has been in Boston, but are looking forward to seeing him on Saturday. As am I. Today I decided to teach them money management so gave them each a pound and took them around Glossop's 8 charity shops to buy a teddy. Sadly, while the boys were cavorting with joy as they walked down the hill, (I wish I was overstating the case but they actually were gambolling like little lambs) Cam took a header and ripped his knees open. As we were by one of my myriad of workplaces I took them in and bandaged his knee up. Problem solved we trotted on. The first shop had a massive Pooh bear which Kieran wanted. At £5 for the ursine delight he soon realised he couldn't afford it. At the next shop Kieran found a teddy with a glitter bedazzled pompom hat for 95p. Rejoicing ensued. Well, Kieran rejoiced while Cam scowled at the teddy selection. Cam wasn't sure about a small Pooh bear that he found, so on we went. At the next shop a marvellous pooh bear was found - for 90p. Much excitement ensued and Cameron raced counterwards with his pound clutched in his hand, where he entranced the server with his ''lovely manners''. Afterwards we came home via the playground next to the stream and had a good play before lunch. We spotted ducklings and trout before a few spots of rain fell. Once home and fed the boys then helped me dig up the potato plants to see if we had any potatoes -and we did! Quelle surprise! They had planted some pumpkin plants at their after school club so we planted these in the tub formerly inhabited by potatoes, and will hopefully see pumpkins grown for halloween. Tomorrow I plan a trip to the library to make headway on the DCC reading challenge that I have signed both boys up for. 6 books in 6 weeks. Somehow I feel sure we can do it!
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