Saturday, 11 January 2014

Natal Day Hijinks

Today my precious first born, or 'primus' as we call him in the Chez turned 6. I can't believe it has been 6 years since I was pounding on the dash of the car demanding drugs as we turned into the gates of Waitakere Hospital. Kieran has grown from a sweet happy baby, to an adorable cuddly toddler to a loving intelligent little boy - and I can't wait to see what the next 6 six years are like! I love you so much keeker squeaker!
Kieran's first birthday in England started early, as he and Cam came and gave us cuddles....on the floor. Yes, Chris's mighty frame had defeated both our inflatable mattresses and we were learning the 'joys' of sleeping on lightly carpeted floors. After the cuddle we headed downstairs we Kieran gazed in awe at the cards and presents. He ripped then cards open and read the messages. Bless him. Then he ripped open the presents. He loved all his presents! Moments later the heavy rain turned to...snow. Kieran was thrilled. I was slightly less so as we had a fifteen minute uphill walk to get to the softplay place. However the snow didn't last long and we set out after Kieran's latest girlfriend arrived. Charis was the one chosen to accompany us to Whistlestop cafe and they had a blast. The place rang with the three of them yelling each other's name. Other schoolfriends turned up and Kieran's cup of happiness was full :) We headed off home, had bacon rolls for lunch then did the birthday cake. Kieran enticed Charis to his side by telling her of his awesome christmas present - the Brainbox and they happily built circuits together until she was retrieved by her father. Kieran then asked for fish and chips as his birthday dinner and snuggled into bed at 7 in his Doctor Who pyjamas. Someone had a great day. I must add that Chris staggered upstairs at 7:45 and collapsed into Morpheus's arms, overcome by the effort of childminding teehee.

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