Where does the time go? In the time since Bandit has left us (settled in well, loves his new owners and loves nibbling on the other cat, Rascal's tail) we have packed up everything we want to store and Chris and his cousin Roger drove up to Kerikeri. We then sorted through all our possessions listed it all on TradeMe, sold some stuff and prepared for the garage sale tomorrow morning. With my usual brilliance I scheduled this for daylight savings. Chris was 'thrilled' when he realised it was an even earlier start than he expected. Tomorrow the buyer for the car collects it and pays us, the buyer for the table collects it and hopefully the garage will be a bit emptier tomorrow afternoon. Packers came in this morning to whisk the loungesuite off to Wellington so this house is a bit colder and echoey than before. The fridge is collected on Tuesday, we clean the house, get the carpets washed and then Chris leaves for the airport on Wednesday and then it's all on! It will be really real when we walk out of here, leaving our keys behind :) The boys are dealing with the upheaval like chanps. I went to the end of term assembly as Kieran was presenting on his lion diorama. He seized the microphone when it came past and did a great job imparting info on lions :) I was well impressed. Hoping tomorrow goes well. If we make $300 on the garage sale I will be happy!
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