Halloween has been eagerly anticpated by the boys this year. Our plan of dressing Cameron and myself as Tardis's and Kieran as the Doctor had to be jettisoned. Instead the boys are going as ghosts and I will be wearing a Tigger suit as I creep about the streets. Yesterday we decided to trying carving Jack-o-lanterns. It was a blast! I grabbed some pumpkins from Nola's and got the boys to draw their desired designs. Once I had my 'templates' I went to work, hacking and slashing at the innocent pumpkins while the boys frolicked about me. Some time later 3 beautifully carved pumpkins were produced and the boys are rapt. They have been cunningly arranged on the woodpile by the gate to attract young trick or treaters. Tonight we head out trick and treating and the boys will surf that sugar high. They'd better enjoy it as they won't see that much 'candy' again!
In other, less exciting news, flights have been booked and we fly out on the 12th of November. Sadly, we will not be going via Singapore with its pool and butterfly farm. Nor will we have access to the Koru lounge. Shaping up to be quite the hideous little trip really lol. Might have to see if there's any way we can sort Koru club membership as we will NEED lounge access for the boys :)
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Spring sunshine
It has been a busy time for us. Kieran had another sleepover at Alex's on Thursday and had a blast, apart from wanting to come home at 8:30 at night. Poor exhausted boy. I asked him to lie down for 30 minutes with bunny and teddy with his eyes shut and voila, he was asleep. Cameron joined him the next night and it all went splendidly. What didn't go so splendidly on thursday was doing the school and kindy run and parking outside the library to watch dumbfounded as the cars front windows majestically descended of their own volition, and would reascend. This was really stressful as leaving the car with the front windows down would be an open invitation to thieves, and likely void the car insurance as well. Cursing I drove the car to Lance Jennings, our awesome mechanic, who had a look. Sadly it appeared to be the switches or computer thing that controls the windows. I then drove the car to Glen Eden auto electrical who ordered some switches for me at $40 each, and promised to have them for me by 2pm. I then drove to kindy where I sat and roased int he car until Cam needed to be collected. My chances of actually getting my much needed work done absolutely shattered. I could have cried. After collecting Cam I drove back out to auto place where they installed the switches and discovered it was a computer issue. I decided to just get the windows raised, so that was an hours work. By this time it was nearly 3pm and Cam's patience was totally eroded. However, after paying out $73 on the car I was on the road again. Yay. On Saturday we headed to Cornwallis beach for the afternoon. I mourned that I forgot my camera because the boys had a blast. Cam dashed straight into the sea on arrival, shrieking with delight while Kieran delicately paddle at the waters edge. I was forced into my costume and the water by boys wanting to be swooped through the water. Afterwards we feasted on afternoon tea and I left at 4:15. The boys raved on about how much they loved the beach until they fell asleep on Waikumete hill. Sunday began with much excitement for the boys as I cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast. I followed this up by slashing a finger on a sharp piece of plastic lurking int he sink. The cut extends to the first joint, and bled profusely. After I got that cleaned up we discovered that Kieran's scooter had been run over by a car and was a total wreck. He was devastated. I was not particularly happy either, as we were taking it with us to England. Were. Oh well. On Labour Day I dragged the boys out for an adventure. We explored the unknown Peninsula, discovering a giant Impatiens bush that the boys happily circle, finding and popping the seeds, then we found a syringa tree with a swing on it. Much excitement ensued. We then strolled past a series of lakes to admire the Auckland CBD and harbour bridge while the boys had morning tea. After that we set out to find the beach. We met with success and the boys scurried across the muddy sand like chatty little crabs. They discovered a felled tree and clambered all over it. Cameron managed to balance as we walked across it informing me "Mummy, I'm so brave!" as he did so. After that we headed off in the direction of home via a copse, a hills, some unknown streets where we identified flowers and trees and then we sighted the mighty impatiens again. We were rained on three times but it didn't dampen our spirits. Once home I fed the starving children and we washed the dog. No news yet on the house, but we need to get it sorted asap as we can't afford to pay $100 night accommodation for Chris when we still have to pay for flights for me and the boys, that we will be reimbursed for later. The boys are very excited about Halloween and cannot wait, counting down the number of sleeps. I have 4 days to do my last assignment in, then need to study for my exam on the 11th because....2 weeks to go!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Summer Sun
Saturday, 28 September 2013
The end is nigh
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Bye bye Bandit
I have been extremely stressed over the last few weeks. Trying to get passports sorted, the $4000 visas for the boys, selling the car, sorting our stuff into what's going to the UK and what needs to be packed was doing my head in. But the real worry was Bandit. I have been desperately trying to rehome my darling ever since we found that his lungs were toast, and getting more and more worried as very few people presented themselves, all of which had at least one other pet - not ideal for Bandit, who is not a fan of fellow felines. We prepared both boys by talking about how Bandit was going to go have a holiday on a farm while we were in England and they both thought this was a fantastic idea.
So today Chris and the boys raced up to Kerikeri at the ungodly hour of 7am while I got ready to head into Henderson for my last Playcentre course 2 sessions. I tucked Bandit into the hot water cupboard and tucked a pillowcase over him so he was snuggly and warm. I finished early as I needed to get back for Caroline who was coming to see Bandit. It bucketed down as I dashed homewards, stopping only to buy a tin of tuna. Got in and gave B snuggles then the potential owners arrived and fell in love with him at first sight. And I watched him get loaded into a car and be driven away.
I know it needed to be done, and I know he will be happy there, but I am so sad, and feeling so guilty for giving away my baby right now.
Bandit, I love you so very much. Ever since we brought you home as a 10 week old kitten, with your magnolia thieving, and dressing gown cuddles and trashing the decorations on the christmas tree you have brought joy, and occasionally exasperation into our lives. There never was a better cat, and I already miss you desperately. I hope with all my heart that you forget us quickly and fall in love with your new owners.
So today Chris and the boys raced up to Kerikeri at the ungodly hour of 7am while I got ready to head into Henderson for my last Playcentre course 2 sessions. I tucked Bandit into the hot water cupboard and tucked a pillowcase over him so he was snuggly and warm. I finished early as I needed to get back for Caroline who was coming to see Bandit. It bucketed down as I dashed homewards, stopping only to buy a tin of tuna. Got in and gave B snuggles then the potential owners arrived and fell in love with him at first sight. And I watched him get loaded into a car and be driven away.
I know it needed to be done, and I know he will be happy there, but I am so sad, and feeling so guilty for giving away my baby right now.
Bandit, I love you so very much. Ever since we brought you home as a 10 week old kitten, with your magnolia thieving, and dressing gown cuddles and trashing the decorations on the christmas tree you have brought joy, and occasionally exasperation into our lives. There never was a better cat, and I already miss you desperately. I hope with all my heart that you forget us quickly and fall in love with your new owners.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Fathers Day and the first day of Spring
'Twas the first day of Spring today. Father's day seemed to begin unreasonably early. I had whipped the boys into a froth of anticipation the previous evening so cannot say I was surprised :) They came charging in at the crack of dawn to give Chris "big daddy cuddles" then tore off to collect his father's day t-shirts. Kieran gave Chris a tee with a lazy Dalek on it and Cameron gave him one with the Tardis dangling from Firefly. Chris sprang from the bed and hustled downstairs on being informed that Kieran wanted to cook him breakfast in bed and instead the boys and Chris made buttermilk pancakes. It was hilarious watching them all whisking up a storm. It was a gorgeous sunny day so we hung out at the playgroup soaking up the sun before going home and boxing up the books. A mere 3 hours later (I bet you think I'm kidding!!) we had finished! A roast chicken dinner was cooked by the man of the hour, then he popped out food shopping and we finished the evening with pumpkin pie. A glorious warm sunny Spring morning and the Father's Day part of it wasn't too shabby either :)
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Highs and Lows
Well, life has been action packed at the moment. I applied to Auckland for the Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary). After a nerve wracking interview I got in!!! Much excitement ensued as I looked forward to beginning the program January 20th 2014. I am also finishing my Playcentre course 2, doing a first aid course and, of course, finishing my degree.
And then, Chris applied for and was accepted for a post-doctoral position with Manchester. So, my teaching qual will be delayed until Cam is in school, and we will spend the 30 months hightailing it to sites of interest. So, much planning has begun as we begin to look at when we go (Nov 11, the day of my final exam), where we will go (we're thinking Glossop and Todmorden, or someplace with a half hour commute to Manchester in a rural setting). We have begun costing out furniture removals, and getting the cat over (2k!!) and other expenses. And then, after collecting boxes from the delightful Dr Doyle on a glorious warm sunny day, we took the cat to the vet for his final post-pneumonia check-up. He's not fit to fly, and has a chronic lung condition. So now we have to try and find a home for our poor loving little boy. So that will be the focus for us before Chris heads off to the UK in 4 weeks.
Apart from that life continues as normal. The boys are doing fantastically well. Cam has mastered basic fractions and is beginning to count in 5's, Kieran's writing is flourishing, Chris has lost weight and I got to go to a Trivia night, where I won a $300 Avanti bike. So, highs and lows.
And then, Chris applied for and was accepted for a post-doctoral position with Manchester. So, my teaching qual will be delayed until Cam is in school, and we will spend the 30 months hightailing it to sites of interest. So, much planning has begun as we begin to look at when we go (Nov 11, the day of my final exam), where we will go (we're thinking Glossop and Todmorden, or someplace with a half hour commute to Manchester in a rural setting). We have begun costing out furniture removals, and getting the cat over (2k!!) and other expenses. And then, after collecting boxes from the delightful Dr Doyle on a glorious warm sunny day, we took the cat to the vet for his final post-pneumonia check-up. He's not fit to fly, and has a chronic lung condition. So now we have to try and find a home for our poor loving little boy. So that will be the focus for us before Chris heads off to the UK in 4 weeks.
Apart from that life continues as normal. The boys are doing fantastically well. Cam has mastered basic fractions and is beginning to count in 5's, Kieran's writing is flourishing, Chris has lost weight and I got to go to a Trivia night, where I won a $300 Avanti bike. So, highs and lows.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
School Holidays....
We are 4 days into the school holidays and aren't doing too badly. On Monday we headed to Playcentre for the morning - it was a holiday session. I was feeling pretty seedy but figured I may as well feel seedy in the company of others as at home by myself. The boys had a blast and their filthy, sandy, paint bespattered selves had to be dragged to the car :). After playcentre ended we hurtled home for lunch before I whisked Cameron off to Kindy. Once home Kieran asked to play on the IPAD while I finished reading one of my course books - North and South. On Tuesday I cleaned the house and took the boys to Parrs Park for the morning. We ran, and galloped and cavorted in the freezing sunny day. We all had enough by 11am and we came home and watched the Fox and the Hound before Kindy. I stayed at Kindy for the 3 hour session doing jobs as part of the term clean up. Kieran loved it and wants to do it again - me clean, him play haha. No. On Wednesday I dropped Cameron off at kindy then Kieran and I bought milk and flour and collected our library books. I dropped Kieran to McCahon's for a playdate then headed home to read a course book (so unfair I have 14 texts!!) - Sylvia Plath's the Bell Jar. I feel it's overrated. Then I mopped the floors and reluctantly washed the poxy blinds. I loathe the blinds - cheap, horrible plastic things that don't keep in the warmth and don't keep out the sun!!! I only managed 3 blinds, and still have 5 to go (sigh). Then I dashed out to collect my love who had had a fall at kindy- so had scraped chin and forehead. Upon his pleading I made cheese scones for the boys lunch, peach muffins and bagels. Cameron helped me with all the baking - we sang the Doctor Who theme music to each other as we shaped the bagels. He loves Dr Who, but "his" doctor is 10. Kieran's is 11. Kieran was dropped off at 1:20 having had a lovely time with his friend. I made him a Snakes and Ladders board on cardboard that he can drive cars on (obviously a special request haha). This is now our first full week of Cameron having no afternoon sleeps. I would love to report that our nights are now restful and undisturbed but we usually have a visitor around 2am. Last night however was pretty special. Kieran popped in at 11, 12, 1 and 2 before finally going to sleep. Then Cameron took up the baton and roused Chris at 2, 3, 4 and 4:45 (I slept through these visits). As I result I slept in till 8 with K snuggled up against me (I have no idea when he joined me) and Bandit firmly snuggled up between my and K's head. Cameron only roused himself at 8:30, the lazy thing. As a result the day is proceeding rather sluggishly. Instead of a sunny rainbowy day like the rest of the week the day is grey and cool. I had been planning on taking the boys to the Henderson skate park but feel terribly uninspired.Still I got my last grade (B+) and a book that I have been waiting for (7 weeks!!) which cheers me up. Now to clean the children and wash the poxy blinds!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
My how time flies!!
- it HAS been a while since my last post hasn't it. Let's see, what has
happened recently. I had the first lot of contact courses for the 20th century
literature and Speaking papers. That went well apart from Kieran getting
cellulitis and being admitted overnight to Wellington hospital. Oh, that was a
fun time for everyone. I was stuck in Palmerston and Chris, Cameron and Kieran
were in Wellington. It was a really long drive back home as I was only able to
leave the contact course at 3:30.
Since then we have had Kieran reading in
leaps and bounds. He has gone from level 1 to level 10 in 15 weeks of school,
and his maths is fabulous. Cameron is doing very well too. He can count to 100,
count in 2's up to 20 and has begun to understand fractions. I had my last
contact course a week ago. I caught the Naked Bus to Palmerston North. We got a
good deal for the fare and it only cost $30. The course went well and I flew
back so I got home at 7:30 Wednesday night.... for some reason Chris wasn't
keen for me to take 10 hours to get home haha. Apparently the boys were little
devils while I was away. We have had some lovely weather recently - lots of
rainbow days.
I have enrolled for my last 2 papers and will complete my degree
in November this year. I am really looking forward to finishing haha. I managed
to maintain a B average for the 4 papers which I am pleased about haha. I am
struggling with how I will manage to do full time study next year as I don't
have enough kindy hours to allow me to get into town, attend lectures and get
back for kindy pickup. I will talk to Auckland Uni about this and then hit up
the kindy for a few 9-3 sessions as I need them as otherwise we will have to do
PORSE etc. I have decided on Auckland over Massey as Auckland has an option to do
the qual in 18 months. This would mean I did the academic part of the course in
2014 and the practicum in the first part of 2015. I would finish just as Cam
entered school, which is awesome as I want to work after Cam has been in school
for about 6 months as otherwise he will be shoved into before school care,
school, and after school care - which will be a long day for a little boy. I am
now back to helping out kindy, am doing reading assistance at Oratia, am doing
mainly music and of course I have the occasional minuting job to fill up my
free time. I have also decided to take up the Goodreads challenge of reading
200 books this year. I think I am at 50 books so far haha.
The boys have been
doing so well in their swimming lessons. We had Cameron on Tuesday and Kieran
on Saturday but had them moved together as petrol was getting a little
expensive. It is now school holidays for 2 weeks and I am trying to organise
playdates for Kieran. We will be taking advantage of any dry sunny days to head
out to various playgrounds, particularly ones with skate ramp facilities.
Thankfully Cameron's kindy runs through the school holidays - yay!!!
Monday, 20 May 2013
A big boy of 3!
So it was Cameron's 3rd birthday yesterday. This auspicious occasion was marked by him toddling into our bedroom at 4am and cheerily vomiting on my side of the bed. I then whisked him into the bathroom for another vomiting session then changed him and popped him into bed. I was a bit exhausted by the whole thing as I had soent the evening typing minutes and making Cam's Saturn baking cake and had only been asleep 4 hours. By the time 7am rolled around he was as happy as a clam and clamouring for his presents. He had a blast ripping them open and then we headed off to drop Kieran at school. I then headed into kindy for a committee meeting, then on to playgroup. I had brought a cake for that and we had an impromptu party. We headed home and rested up in the sunshine for an hour before heading into kindy for Cameron's afternoon session. Got home, did some work on my movie script idea then headed off to collect Kieran. Once home Kieran played with Cam's presents before I headed off to collect Cam at 4. One of the teachers was really chatty and showed me Cam's portfolio and talked about his progress while I shifted from foot to foot longing to leave. Cam was a bit ropey after that when we got home at 4:30 due to his lack of nap but we got through dinner and birthday cake without a meltdown. He went to sleep amazingly fast though lol~
So happy birthday Cameron, my wonderful, clever, brave, sweet little boy. I love you so very much!!
So happy birthday Cameron, my wonderful, clever, brave, sweet little boy. I love you so very much!!
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Neighbour's Day
Kieran has been at school for over a month now and is loving it, especially swimming in the outside pool every Monday and Wednesday. He liked it so much that we bought a pool pass for March, which was a bargain for $20 as West Wave entry is $6.50 per adult plus the time and petrol getting there. We more than got out money's worth hanging out there after school in the afternoon sun, splashing in the pool. His reading is excellent. One girl is reading at level 6, Kieran and another girl are reading at level 5, and the rest of the class are level 3 and 4. He loves doing maths too, and has made lots of friends.
For fun we have been to the Toddler Day out - which was heaps of fun. The boys especially loved the bouncy castles and the inflatable fruit keepers, MOTAT, which is free in March at the moment and we also did the Neighbours Day Glen Eden Treasure Hunt yesterday. We did mini treasure hunts and quizzes in each location, like Waikumete cemetary, Lucinda Community Orchard, Glen Eden Picninc Park. Kieran got to sit in a model police copter, be filmed on a large map of Glen Eden, sit on a giant tooth and race around the cemetary. It was great fun, and at the end were bouncy castles and treasure!
I'm not sure if I mentioned that a woman reversed into me when I was parked outside the school in February. Well the car finally went into the panel beaters...in the only wet weather of the month!! Seriously, it was ridiculous. I cancelled activities left, right and centre. After one day of racing to catch a bus (which was late) then walking/running from Parrs Park with Cam on my back who had had no nap to the school then racing back with K to catch the next bus (which was early and so we hung out at the bus stop for 20 minutes, before climbing onto a bus and then walking home from the library. Nakita kindly offered to take K to school for the next day and Wednesday morning. And on wednesday afternoon I got the car back. It was a wonderful moment lol, I practically pranced off on the school run! Of course the rain vanished after this - typical.
Study is going well, I have completed 2 of the 14 assignments due before June, and am working on the next one, which is a pig! I have my 2 contact courses in Palmerston North in the first week of April so we'll head down to Wellington so Chris and the boys get to loll about in Days Bay while I cower in a Palmy campground, then join me the day after Chris's birthday for a night before I head up to campus accommodation and my second contact course. It's going to be a busy week, especially as the second course runs from 9am to 9:30pm each day. Wish me luck!
For fun we have been to the Toddler Day out - which was heaps of fun. The boys especially loved the bouncy castles and the inflatable fruit keepers, MOTAT, which is free in March at the moment and we also did the Neighbours Day Glen Eden Treasure Hunt yesterday. We did mini treasure hunts and quizzes in each location, like Waikumete cemetary, Lucinda Community Orchard, Glen Eden Picninc Park. Kieran got to sit in a model police copter, be filmed on a large map of Glen Eden, sit on a giant tooth and race around the cemetary. It was great fun, and at the end were bouncy castles and treasure!
I'm not sure if I mentioned that a woman reversed into me when I was parked outside the school in February. Well the car finally went into the panel beaters...in the only wet weather of the month!! Seriously, it was ridiculous. I cancelled activities left, right and centre. After one day of racing to catch a bus (which was late) then walking/running from Parrs Park with Cam on my back who had had no nap to the school then racing back with K to catch the next bus (which was early and so we hung out at the bus stop for 20 minutes, before climbing onto a bus and then walking home from the library. Nakita kindly offered to take K to school for the next day and Wednesday morning. And on wednesday afternoon I got the car back. It was a wonderful moment lol, I practically pranced off on the school run! Of course the rain vanished after this - typical.
Study is going well, I have completed 2 of the 14 assignments due before June, and am working on the next one, which is a pig! I have my 2 contact courses in Palmerston North in the first week of April so we'll head down to Wellington so Chris and the boys get to loll about in Days Bay while I cower in a Palmy campground, then join me the day after Chris's birthday for a night before I head up to campus accommodation and my second contact course. It's going to be a busy week, especially as the second course runs from 9am to 9:30pm each day. Wish me luck!
Friday, 8 February 2013
11 years down, many more to go
I can't believe that Chris and I have been married for 11 years today. So much has changed since we wed: Chris has his PhD, I got my business qualification and have almost finished my BA, children (of course) and even Bandit has only been with us for 9 years. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing (apart for Chris's love of skinny black leather ties).
In other, more exciting news, Kieran has finished his first week of school. He eased into it beautifully, allowing me to leave after 20 minutes the first day. Admittedly this is because I hinted that Cameron was naughty and might ruin his first day of school. Alas, my imminent tears were derailed by Cameron turning into a shrieking, writhing gobshite and by the time we arrived at Playcentre the teary crisis had been averted. Subsequent days have gone well, and Kieran is looking forward to Monday when he has swimming. On Waitangi day we went to Cornwallis beach for a paddle and then over to the wharf so Kieran could try fishing. Alas we caught nothing but the boys had a blast.
In other, more exciting news, Kieran has finished his first week of school. He eased into it beautifully, allowing me to leave after 20 minutes the first day. Admittedly this is because I hinted that Cameron was naughty and might ruin his first day of school. Alas, my imminent tears were derailed by Cameron turning into a shrieking, writhing gobshite and by the time we arrived at Playcentre the teary crisis had been averted. Subsequent days have gone well, and Kieran is looking forward to Monday when he has swimming. On Waitangi day we went to Cornwallis beach for a paddle and then over to the wharf so Kieran could try fishing. Alas we caught nothing but the boys had a blast.
Friday, 1 February 2013
As Kieran has grown up we have experienced a number of lasts. Some we didn't realise were lasts at the time - the last breastfeed, the last staggering walk before mastery was achieved overnight, the last gummy smile before the first tooth popped through. Those I remember with a sense of guilty loss and regret that I didn't cherish them more at the time, though they were enjoyed at the time. But now we approach the bigger lasts. Kieran had his last day of kindy yesterday. As they sat there on the mat and Kieran chose the book for mat time, sang the 'happy school days to you' song and handed my gowned and cap son a scroll and bible I reflected that there would be many more bittersweet moments in the future. On Monday Kieran starts at Oratia primary - something he is really looking forward to. And so we continue with our firsts. Our first laugh, smile, steps, tooth are shifting to become first book read, first day of school, first best friend, first girlfriend etc. It's a reminder to me to enjoy these moments and days because they come and go so fleetingly. I want to look back on more happy memories not regretful "wish-I-had's". Let's make it so :)
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Friday, 11 January 2013
Monday, 7 January 2013
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