Life has been pretty full on around here.... we've been sorting and wrapping christmas presents, watching Dr Who, packing suitcases and wailing in despair and various other things. Yesterday we headed to Playcentre where the boys cavorted and painted and immersed themselves in a variety of messy play. I helped make xmas chains and plan what we needed for the xmas party on Sunday, then balanced precariously on tiny chairs hanging them from the rafters. Yesterday Isabelle and co headed back to Canada. It's pretty sad and I will miss them - though I am thrilled for Isabelle as I know she wanted to go back. Much of the early afternoon was punctuated with Isabelle coming over with kettles, toasters, various food items etc. Good times :) We have bought Isabelle's car as mine is just costing too much in repairs. I love her car and we got it - yay. I took my camry into the WOF while you shop and it failed, as expected, though for not for the reasons I expected it to. Nope, the tires failed as expected but 2 new issues have popped up - oh, yay! So we'll look at the cost of fixing them and sell the Camry. Cheap, as there is about $500 more in repairs due - windscreen, rust etc. We headed into Henderson today and the boys and I hit the Dragon playground, then KMart while Chris headed to the bank. Today is the Glen Eden carnival and we headed there around 3:30pm. As expected parking was a crush so we parked at kindy :) The boys had a blast! We had a free photo with Santa and then hit the bouncy castles with a vengeance. In between death defying leaps and tumbles we rode the teacups, the pirate ship (Cameron shrieking his joy to the skies as he did a mexican wave) and checked out a large kiddie play area. And it was all FREE!Kieran was weeping with exhaustion yet didn't want to leave when we headed off at quarter to six. Poor little sod was asleep 10 minutes after being popped into bed. Cameron meanwhile cavorted joyously - rather like an elf on crack - throughout the house until 8:45pm....little sod :P After he wended his way bedwards I finished wrapping xmas presents while Chris baked the ham for the playcentre christmas party tomorrow. Yup, tomorrow at 9am the boys and I are heading out to set up the Christmas party - good times! There may even be a blog entry in it lol.
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