Sunday, 12 August 2012

Olympic shenanigans

I started this blog entry a few days into the Olympics and I finish it as I watch the closing ceremony. In my defence I had 3 assignments and 1 test on the go. It has been a mighty struggle wrangling the boys watching the Olympics and keeping up with assignment work – but I managed…I am also thankful it’s over so I can sleep again lol. NZ has a respectable medal haul – we even passed Oz at one stage haha. I loved the artistic and rhythmic gymnastics – my god, they’re SO fit! Kieran adored watching it too, although he is more a fan of the beam, bars and floor lol. He has been prancing around being a gymnast. We prepared a sheet “Kieran’s 2012 Olympics’ for kindy. Kieran chose the sports he wanted represented and we googled images of rowing, show jumping (the horses jumped over Saturn! And the Moon!), gymnastics and kayaking. He has pontificated on the Olympics at the drop of a hat to anyone who even mentions the Olympics, has made an Olympic torch and has begged to have gymnastics lessons again. I whisked the boys off to the doctors last week as they were coughing like old men with emphysema… to the point of vomiting. Oh yeah, the good times just keep on rolling in our house! And they have been rolling like this for 7 weeks. The boys were prescribed antibiotics which seem to have done the trick – booya! We have ordered our photos from the kindy photo session. Sadly we ditched the one with Kieran’s broad smile and Cameron’s cheesy grin lol. On Friday we headed to play Centre. The boys have gone from strength to strength bar their unfortunate illness lol, and have been having a lark. The weather was slightly improved this fortnight with some sunny days – awesome. We had a bike day at Kindy last week and Kieran had a blast. Then he and Cameron dragged the gym mats into a heap and performed death defying leaps onto them while the bikes skidded down the slope towards them. Cameron still adores going to kindy with Kieran. I hope his enthusiasm continues unabated in November when he goes in for 2 mornings a week. I have also prepared the letters from space up to Mercury which I thought would be the last one. More fool I! Gentle questioning of my son revealed he expected one from when Zoop reached the sun. I didn’t have the heart to mention that Zoop would have passed the sun several times in his planetary tour. Chris and Kieran made a kite on Saturday and had a wonderful time flying it over the weekend. It was pretty good for butcher’s paper, tape, string and scavenged sticks. I took the boys to Playcentre on Friday but had to leave early as Cam was listless, clingy, whiny and running a fever. We managed to score a dr appointment that afternoon. Luckily I did as he had a really inflamed ear. What a great weekend we would have had otherwise hehe. Medicine was prescribed, and collected and poured into the child who took a dramatic turn for the better. Plans for this week involved Play Centre, Plunket, calling Oratia Primary to sort Kieran’s pre-school visits, watching the Olympics closing ceremony, working on 2 assignments and trying to do all my reading and study for my papers at the same time. It is a struggle. I spend Cameron’s nap time doing readings and then once the boys are in bed at 7 I try and get on with assignments and study. The house, frankly, looks a tip. As I have assignments due on August 24 (x2), Sept 12, 17, 26, October 1, 5 & 12 (x2) & 26 followed by exams on October 31, November 7 & 8 I don’t really care to be honest. I have paid a lot for the 3 papers and I will pass them all. Perhaps even well lol. Cleaning has dropped way down my list of priorities. We may yet find Chris cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry.

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