A couple of nights ago I lurked furtively in the lounge until the magic hour of 10pm when there was a partial lunar eclipse, disturbed only by Chris crashing down the stairs again. It was gorgeous. At 10 the moon was exceptionally bright and surrounded by an orangey haze and puffy cotton wool clouds. By 11 a sinister reddish chunk had been carved from it. I debated waking Kieran but eventually decided there would be many more eclipses in his future so let the boy sleep. Sadly none of my photos was any good :( In other, related, news today is the Transit of Venus. Naturally, this being Auckland, we have a weather prediction of thunderstorms, cloud and rain. Yay. However I found this cool pic of the transit at SheSpeaks. Isn't it cool! If Kieran lives another 100+ years, retaining hawk like vision to the end he will see the next Transit across the Sun. I feel gypped, but will be watching via NASA's live webstream. I have booked us into the Stardome to see the show Chronicles of the journey to the Earth this Sunday. This show takes us from the Oort cloud through the planets until we end up at Earth. One wonders whether we'll see Venus and Mars.... I suspect so. I think both boys will adore this session given their unholy fascination with all things space related! All continue in rude health, sans Chris who is nursing his stair related carpetburn and a cut finger from slicing the bread too enthusiastically (Is it only I who imagines some kind of karate movement with a HIYA then a gush of blood!) and Cameron who has a nasty cold, for which he visited the Dr yesterday. I have submitted my final assignment for one paper and now just need to study for the other...as I have an exam on the 18th. I also need to do conference support work and some minuting sigh. I battled with semester 2 enrolments as Massey offers a choice of 5 papers in total, one of which I have already done. Gee, such choice! As a result I was forced to choose between a poetry paper on "love, loss and looking around (Hell, NO) and Gothic. Guess I am immersing myself in the Gothic experience semester 2 lol. We head off to Mainly music this morning and then a food focus group for Kieran's kindy. By the time this ends at 12:30 and I dash home to get Cameron I shall be able to watch the transit of Venus on the NASA webcast.
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