Satuerday evening on the long weekend was going well. Despite shambling around like a barely animated zombie Chris prepared a delicious beef casserole and I an apple and rhubarb pie. After we had dined I ascended the stairs and heard an ominous noise - water trickling... This is never a good sound in a carpeted area. Hastening around the stairpost a terrible sight greeted my eyes - water soaked carpet in all directions in the hall and a bath overflowing onto the floor with the cracked tile.... Bath was turned off pronto and the plug pulled to relieve the water level, while towels were flung against the lintel.....Meanwhile water began merrily trickling down the light fixture downstairs and along the gib board Aaaaaargh!!!! I set to work upstairs mopping the worst of the water out of the carpet while C splashed in the bath. I used almost all our towels and all the baby's cloth nappy inners - but I reduced the saturation to merely damp from stupendously soaked. I am da bomb! Chris had the baby bath set up downstairs to catch the torrent trickling down the light fitting. We then positioned the heaters in the stricken area upstairs, opened all the windows switched on the fan and went to sleep. I lay there imagining our power meter spinning around like a whirligig in a storm and visions of dollar signs whistling past.... I am not looking forward to the powerbill! Morning dawned and we have managed to dry the carpet upstairs - yay!! The ceilings look ok too and we have had the dehumidifiers going like the clappers - many thanks to Garth and Kim and Colin and Ros - lifesavers!! The real estate agent who looks after the property came and had a look and was pleased with how it looked. He has passed on the information to the owner and has suggested they get someone out with a moisture meter... been a week and no contact so I am guessing they are gonna flag that and just have a looksee when they lift the bathroom tiles and replace with vinyl. Chris has checked the meter after all the activity - heaters, dehumifiers, washing and tumbledrier etc and the power bill will be $120 more than normal. Ouch. There truly is a cost to forgetfulness :(
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