Aaah the joys of cloth nappies mean that at some stage or another I will sniff a child's backside and go "Phew!! Mousepants!!" 'Cos their nappies smell musty and fusty like mice :) Is that TMI? Anyway, K has not discovered the joy of using the toilet and I am inclined to let him be for a few months, before we enjoy Spring potty training - Oh, I can hardly wait. Cameron is not shy about using nappies and fills them with a vigour that has to be seen/smelt to be believed. To celebrate these occasions he ululates at some length - coining the catch phrase "poo cry" at our house. Sadly, C contracted wicked nappy rash while cutting the second tooth and it is still not 100% gone...no cloth nappies for him until his backside is pristine again. In other news I have been working on the Plunket newsletter, SMNZI stuff, TCANZ minutes and babywrangling. I must sit down and put some thought in my parenting of K, and how to react to his sheer bloody mindedness at times.... he's a stubborn wee thing, and I don't like being "shouty mummy". He is also very loving, wilful and a little boy who REALLY REALLY LOVES Space. You want his devotion? Get him a book or model about space, planets etc. He loves chatting about spiral nebulas, can name all the planets, and LOVES the stardome. We also
put the Discovery channel clip "I love the .." on every morning, so he can watch the astronauts sing. Minimum of 10 iterations :) He loves those astronauts haha. He is really enjoying his 3 kindy mornings - I asked them to leave it at just the three mornings so we can do playcentre or visit friends the other 2 mornings. This may change, but for the moment it works for us. Rolling around on our floor at the moment are 3 paper mache "planets". They need painting up - but I am waiting for a rainy day before the excitement commences. The trampoline remains a firm favourite with the firstborn - what a wonderful purchase. Not only Kieran, but Cameron and Bandit avail themselves of its delights.
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