Yup, Cameron is 11 months old - where does the time go!! Easter was a blast with K cavorting and loving the Kerikeri atmosphere.... and the many many Easter chocolates! We were up before the sun to see what the Easter Bunny had brought us. With many many a groan and a wail for our aching backs - we were sleeping on very thin mattresses on the floor - we arose and shared his jubilation. The Christening went well too. Cameron was asleep until "someone" doused his wee head with cold water. He was distinctly unimpressed. He looked really sweet in his shirt and tie that his great grandmother had sent from England though. Sue made a christening cake - which looked lovely - and Chris prepared some risottos and a kumara, pumpkin and orange soup for lunch, while Sue created gluten free delicacies. The trip home was .... exciting. We stopped in Whangarei to say gidday to Colin and Ros and K managed to gain a healthy respect for animals.... along with a tiny graze on his cheek. We then took nearly SIX hours to get from Whangarei to Auckland. People had gotten out of vehicles and were walking next to the road, a man was swinging his leg out of his truck window... and no one was moving.... this was the 40 minutes in the Brynderyns in which we moved 150 metres. The boys were good, but all flesh has its limits! We struggled home tired and bedraggled but happy for our comfy bed (somewhat less comfy now that K illicitly leaps on it whenever he gets the chance!) and our pussycat. I have lined up a MASSIVE house viewing session in Pukekohe and Papakura. This should give us a feel for the areas and let us know what good/bad neighbourhoods are, which town we prefer etc etc. Realisitically we aren't going to be able to buy in the good area - not with our tiny budget - but would prefer not to live next to a P Lab or gang headquarters if possible.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Sunday, 17 April 2011
The little creeper
Kieran is enjoying kindy, and is REALLY looking forward to Easter when "the Easter Bunny brings the chocolate eggs".... so was over the moon when the kindy made easter egg baskets with 5 eggs in it.... he was very patient and waited till we got home to rip into them :)
Monday, 11 April 2011
Cats and trampolines... an unlikely love affair
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Debt free and loving it
We are now looking at paying for the last session at the dentist for Chris's root canal, then getting Bandit's molars removed, and then WOF'ing and selling Chris's truck. And then no more upcoming expenses - yay!!
Gala Glee
Last night was Night 1 of sleep training, or as I like to call it - Sleeping without snackin's. C gets to have the sleepytime snack then off to bed. When he wakes he gets no snackings until midnight or later (this will eventually be removed), then has his snackin's and sleeps until morning. I set up a mattress in the spare room....Ie the one that used to be Kieran's and has a truckload of junk and boxes in it. The mattress was set up so Chris and Kieran could sleep without being woken through the night.... and there were a few squeaks.... I tidied it today and there are a mere 2 boxes left for Chris to go through. So I lay in there with C and saw K sprint past the door at 6:30am towards the bedroom, some moments later he paced back past looking very thoughtful, gasped, peered through the doorway and said " What are you DOING, in THIS bedroom?!" and came and had a cuddle with C and me. It was a lovely way to start the day, although Bandit huffily departed to warm his father's backside..... can't think why.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Happy Birthday Chris!!
Happy Birthday Chris - we love you!!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
The clocks went back?
He's just so cute isn't he? He needs to be cos he tossed and turned and squeaked through much of last night...sigh, and woke us up at 6 this morning.... We thought it was 7 as we are poor sleep deprived parents. So he hustled and bustled about as I needed to buy Chris's birthday present - the one from his wife and sons.... and boy - THAT was a mission! After our first attempt to procure the present we went to the West Lynn Butterfly House. It was a gorgeous sunny morning, K was frolicking, C was snoozing on my shoulder and I FORGOT MY CAMERA.... Aargh. So, no new pictures of boys or Monarch butterflies. We headed home where K bounced his brains out on the trampoline and was then bounced into bed. C and I rolled around on the tramp, which he enjoyed greatly... almost as much as he enjoyed his first attempt to climb the stairs.... dammit, he's still fluffing about trying to crawl forwards so why the interest in the stairs? Tomorrow we are off to playcentre where I am running a playdough activity. I have made playdough precisely once before.... and it was arse. I also have an appointment at Kiwibank at 9am as they stuffed up our bank account transfer. yup, we turned up at 9am on Saturday and watched it get bollixed up. They need to have their "specialist" do it for us and he, surprise surprise, doesn't work weekends..... I also need to get cracking on the SMNZI minutes and admin work but I feel sure I can get it done before Wednesday... also known as Chris's birthday!!!!
Friday, 1 April 2011
The child and the pussycat went to sea....
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