Halloween has been eagerly anticpated by the boys this year. Our plan of dressing Cameron and myself as Tardis's and Kieran as the Doctor had to be jettisoned. Instead the boys are going as ghosts and I will be wearing a Tigger suit as I creep about the streets. Yesterday we decided to trying carving Jack-o-lanterns. It was a blast! I grabbed some pumpkins from Nola's and got the boys to draw their desired designs. Once I had my 'templates' I went to work, hacking and slashing at the innocent pumpkins while the boys frolicked about me. Some time later 3 beautifully carved pumpkins were produced and the boys are rapt. They have been cunningly arranged on the woodpile by the gate to attract young trick or treaters. Tonight we head out trick and treating and the boys will surf that sugar high. They'd better enjoy it as they won't see that much 'candy' again!
In other, less exciting news, flights have been booked and we fly out on the 12th of November. Sadly, we will not be going via Singapore with its pool and butterfly farm. Nor will we have access to the Koru lounge. Shaping up to be quite the hideous little trip really lol. Might have to see if there's any way we can sort Koru club membership as we will NEED lounge access for the boys :)
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Spring sunshine
It has been a busy time for us. Kieran had another sleepover at Alex's on Thursday and had a blast, apart from wanting to come home at 8:30 at night. Poor exhausted boy. I asked him to lie down for 30 minutes with bunny and teddy with his eyes shut and voila, he was asleep. Cameron joined him the next night and it all went splendidly. What didn't go so splendidly on thursday was doing the school and kindy run and parking outside the library to watch dumbfounded as the cars front windows majestically descended of their own volition, and would reascend. This was really stressful as leaving the car with the front windows down would be an open invitation to thieves, and likely void the car insurance as well. Cursing I drove the car to Lance Jennings, our awesome mechanic, who had a look. Sadly it appeared to be the switches or computer thing that controls the windows. I then drove the car to Glen Eden auto electrical who ordered some switches for me at $40 each, and promised to have them for me by 2pm. I then drove to kindy where I sat and roased int he car until Cam needed to be collected. My chances of actually getting my much needed work done absolutely shattered. I could have cried. After collecting Cam I drove back out to auto place where they installed the switches and discovered it was a computer issue. I decided to just get the windows raised, so that was an hours work. By this time it was nearly 3pm and Cam's patience was totally eroded. However, after paying out $73 on the car I was on the road again. Yay. On Saturday we headed to Cornwallis beach for the afternoon. I mourned that I forgot my camera because the boys had a blast. Cam dashed straight into the sea on arrival, shrieking with delight while Kieran delicately paddle at the waters edge. I was forced into my costume and the water by boys wanting to be swooped through the water. Afterwards we feasted on afternoon tea and I left at 4:15. The boys raved on about how much they loved the beach until they fell asleep on Waikumete hill. Sunday began with much excitement for the boys as I cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast. I followed this up by slashing a finger on a sharp piece of plastic lurking int he sink. The cut extends to the first joint, and bled profusely. After I got that cleaned up we discovered that Kieran's scooter had been run over by a car and was a total wreck. He was devastated. I was not particularly happy either, as we were taking it with us to England. Were. Oh well. On Labour Day I dragged the boys out for an adventure. We explored the unknown Peninsula, discovering a giant Impatiens bush that the boys happily circle, finding and popping the seeds, then we found a syringa tree with a swing on it. Much excitement ensued. We then strolled past a series of lakes to admire the Auckland CBD and harbour bridge while the boys had morning tea. After that we set out to find the beach. We met with success and the boys scurried across the muddy sand like chatty little crabs. They discovered a felled tree and clambered all over it. Cameron managed to balance as we walked across it informing me "Mummy, I'm so brave!" as he did so. After that we headed off in the direction of home via a copse, a hills, some unknown streets where we identified flowers and trees and then we sighted the mighty impatiens again. We were rained on three times but it didn't dampen our spirits. Once home I fed the starving children and we washed the dog. No news yet on the house, but we need to get it sorted asap as we can't afford to pay $100 night accommodation for Chris when we still have to pay for flights for me and the boys, that we will be reimbursed for later. The boys are very excited about Halloween and cannot wait, counting down the number of sleeps. I have 4 days to do my last assignment in, then need to study for my exam on the 11th because....2 weeks to go!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Summer Sun
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